Tuesday, May 14, 2024

WHO 'Pandemic Agreement' Warnings

Meryl Nass Warns Against WHO Power Grab

Dr. Meryl Nass, the founder of Door to Freedom, joined comedian Jimmy Dore to discuss the WHO’s proposed “pandemic agreement” — widely known as the “pandemic treaty” — and amendments to the International Health Regulations, on “The Jimmy Dore Show.”

Internist Dr. Meryl Nass, the founder of Door to Freedom, joined Jimmy Dore to discuss the World Health Organization’s (WHO) proposed “pandemic agreement” — widely known as the “pandemic treaty” — and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), on “The Jimmy Dore Show” May 8.

Nass warned that these proposals represent a power grab by the WHO, posing a threat to national sovereignty, personal autonomy and health freedom, while promoting controversial gain-of-function research on potentially deadly pathogens.

The two proposals also would intensify censorship of dissenting views.

Nass also warned that time is running out, as the WHO’s World Health Assembly will meet in Geneva, Switzerland, from May 27 to June 1 to vote on these proposals.

The WHO’s proposals are accompanied by an upcoming vote in the General Assembly of the United Nations (U.N.) that would give the U.N.’s secretary-general unprecedented emergency powers — not just for pandemics, but also for a host of other potential disasters, ranging from cyberattacks to climate change to a “black swan event.”

Nass told Dore that pushback against the proposals is intensifying. She cited letters to President Joe Biden, co-signed by 22 state attorneys general and 49 Republican Senators, opposing these proposals.

Nass told The Defender:

“I think we are doing way better than posturing. Twenty-two attorneys general told the Biden administration that they would not be obeying any WHO orders in their state. That protects the people in those states from being subject to orders from the WHO. It is a massive accomplishment.

“Furthermore, we are close to forcing the Biden administration to put any WHO treaties it wishes to join in front of the Senate for its advice and consent. This will almost certainly kill them for the United States. We simply need to pass S.444 and H.R.1425, which would require Senate ratification and prohibit the current administration from providing a simple signature and calling them ratified.

“We are focused on getting legislation passed to require Senate ratification of both treaties. If we succeed, they will be dead in the water. We are also working with people around the world, meeting with lawmakers, doctors and attorneys, to help them stop it in their nations.”

‘Unelected’ WHO ‘wants to take more control of your life’

During his interview with Nass, Dore noted that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus does not have a medical background.

“We’ve tried to warn people that the WHO is literally … being run by a guy who’s not even qualified,” Dore said. Yet, “the WHO wants to take more control of your life. They’re unelected and they’re funded by Bill Gates.”

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