Monday, May 27, 2024

'Shooting Incident' At Israel-Egyptian Border - Exchange Of Fire Between Israeli And Egyptian Soldiers?

Fierce exchange of fire between Egyptian and Israeli Army with dead and wounded (vid)

A very serious exchange of fire between Egyptian and Israeli soldiers took place at the Rafah border crossing following the carnage caused by IDF shelling in the area.

Arab reports say that Egyptian security forces have opened fire on Israeli forces at the Rafah crossing, following last night's airstrike that killed 40+ civilians.

Initially, Israeli media reported that an Egyptian soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with Israeli forces at the Rafah crossing on Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip on Monday.

Israel's Kan media reported that no Israeli soldiers were injured in the gunfight that left one Egyptian dead and others wounded.

The Israeli military said: "A few hours ago there was a shooting incident on the Egyptian border, [the incident] is under investigation, dialogue is ongoing with the Egyptian side."

Daily News Egypt, an independent English-language Egyptian newspaper, cited unnamed sources as saying Egyptian soldiers were "affected" by the Rafah massacre on Sunday, in which an Israeli shelling killed 45 Palestinians in a displacement camp.

Immediately afterwards the Israeli media retracted the news that Egyptian troops had opened fire on Israeli troops in Rafah.

Israeli media Channel 13 deleted its report on an "unusual" incident between Israeli and Egyptian forces at the Rafah border.

Israeli journalists say the incident is under military censorship.

Just 24 hours earlier, the Egyptian television network Al Qahera News, citing an unnamed high-ranking official, threatened Israel, saying that respect for the treaties does not prevent Egypt from using "all scenarios to preserve its national security and historical rights of the Palestinians" .

It will not be a surprise if Egypt recalls the ambassador to Tel Aviv, Halnet Azmi.

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