Friday, July 26, 2024

Park Fire 'Explosive Growth' Now Over 164,000 Acres

Park Fire swells to over 164,000 acres; thousands of residents under evacuation orders
Christopher Cann, USA TODAY

The largest wildfire to break out in the West this summer continued its explosive growth Friday morning as emergency responders in northern California struggled to gain control of the blaze, which has put thousands of residents under evacuation orders and has destroyed homes.

The so-called Park Fire broke out Wednesday afternoon near the city of Chico and quickly swelled in size as it was fueled by hot weather, low humidity and strong wind gusts. As of Friday morning, the inferno had engulfed over 164,000 acres, an area larger than the city of Chicago.

Butte County District Attorney Mike Ramsey on Thursday announced the arrest of a local man accused of pushing his mother's flaming vehicle into a gully, sparking the largest fire that California has seen this year. Ronnie Stout, 42, of Chico, faces at least one charge of arson, though more charges could follow in the days ahead, Ramsey said.

More than 130 structures have been destroyed by the fire, according to a Cal Fire update posted Friday morning. Some 4,000 residents in unincorporated Butte County were under evacuation orders, said Sheriff Kory Honea at a news conference Thursday night. Other nearby areas, including portions of the city of Chico, were also under evacuation warnings. Honea urged residents to prepare to flee their homes as more evacuation orders could be issued.

"If the order is given, get the most important things that you have and get out," he said, later adding, "If the fire blows over, I can't make any promise or guarantee that we can get up there to save your life."

In a frenzy, Anasyua Basil packed her Honda Fit with clothes, paintings, framed pictures and her cat, Half Stash – everything she wanted to be safe in case the explosive Park Fire reaches her home.

"I didn't pack as well as I would have liked to," Basil, 63, told USA TODAY. "Under an emergency it's very hard to think clearly."

By Thursday afternoon, the heavy smoke from the blaze, which had ripped across thousands of acres of brush and timber, had partially blotted out the sun, she said. Shortly before she left her home in northern Butte County, the fire had crossed the nearby highway, forcing Basil and other residents to take a narrow, winding backroad instead.


Poll: Israelis prefer Netanyahu as PM over Lapid, Bennett and Gantz

Poll: Israelis prefer Netanyahu as PM over Lapid, Bennett and Gantz

More Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is better suited to lead the country than Opposition Leader Yair Lapid, former premier Naftali Bennett, and National Unity chair Benny Gantz, according to a new television poll.

Asked who they prefer for the role of prime minister, 32 percent of respondents to the Channel 12 news survey say Netanyahu and 28% Lapid, while 31% said neither and 4% didn’t know.

Between Netanyahu and Bennett, 33% of respondents say they prefer the premier while 32% voice support for the former prime minister, with 31% saying neither is fitted to the role and 4% answering “don’t know.”Between Netanyahu and Gantz, 32% say they prefer the incumbent, while 28% say they’d back the National Unity chair.

The poll, which appears to mark a rise in support for Netanyahu, comes two days after he addressed a joint session of Congress in Washington.

But the Channel 12 poll says 65% of respondents say the speech didn’t change their views on the prime minister, while 48% believe he went to Washington to pursue his own personal interests, rather than those of the state (44%).

HHS Secretary Becerra Issues PREP Act Declaration For Bird Flu. This allows the FDA Commissioner to issue EUAs for bird flu vaccines


HHS Secretary Becerra just issued a PREP Act declaration for bird flu. This allows the FDA Commissioner to issue EUAs for bird flu vaccines, with no liability. The US government has ordered 4.8 million doses of bird flu from the CSL Sequirus company, produced in dog kidney cells and using a dangerous squalene-containing adjuvant. The AMA issued CPT codes for this vaccine last Friday, so doctors could be reimbursed for administering it. There have been a total of 11 cases of bird flu in the US since 2022, all mild, most involving just conjunctivitis. None were shown to have been transmitted human-to-human. Why would you need this vaccine, unless you expected a much more virulent virus to appear which had mysteriously gained the ability to spread between humans? Will there be another lab-derived pandemic? Not on my watch! #Kennedy24

When they use the word Polycrisis they mean it…😏 We’re on the brink of a polycrisis. How worried should we be? | World Economic Forum

Illuminating Inconsistencies and Addressing Anomalies

Illuminating Inconsistencies and Addressing Anomalies in the Trump Assassination Attempt

This article begins with the “official story” of the assassination attempt on the life of President Trump on July 13, 2024. The information contained herein is as of July 19, 2024.

Six days ago, on July 13, 2024, Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20-year-old Gen-Zer with an associate’s degree, somehow masterminded an assassination attempt on President Trump. Armed with just 10 days of planning, Crooks loaded a handmade explosive device (with remote detonator) into his car, went to Home Depot, picked up a ladder, then picked up some ammo and drove from Bethel Park, PA to the Trump rally in Butler, PA.

He parked his car, with an explosive device in the trunk no less, and hauled his ladder and AR-15 to a warehouse just a few hundred feet from Trump’s podium. Meanwhile, a three-man counter-sniper team was cozy on the 2nd floor of that same warehouse, setting up through the window. Multiple bystanders, police, and the Secret Service all saw Crooks as he strolled to the warehouse, even caught on film wandering around and looking up—but nope, no red flags there.

One of the law enforcement officers stationed in the warehouse saw Crooks “scoping out” the roof with a rangefinder. There’s nothing suspicious about that, right?  Maybe Crooks was using the rangefinder to improve his golf swing.  He left and then returned with a backpack, the officer took a picture of him and radioed the sightings to the command center, but they somehow “lost track” of him. According to the Senate briefing on the assassination attempt, 62 minutes elapsed between the time Crooks was photographed as suspicious and when he fired the shots…

That’s right … Despite being on the Secret Service's radar for 62 minutes, they somehow “lost track” of him. Yes, they lost track of a guy with a range finder and a rifle. Maybe he had an invisible suit? Or perhaps he used some top-secret cloaking device? It’s not like someone walking around with a gun and rangefinder should raise any red flags. No, it’s perfectly normal for the elite team tasked with protecting the President just to let someone like that slip through their fingers.

When they finally “found” Crooks, he had climbed the warehouse roof. Remember, according to the Secret Service, a three-man counter-sniper team is set up in that same warehouse. Everyone knows you can hear a squirrel on a metal roof, but the team below Crooks couldn't hear him on the roof.

Evidently, a police officer saw him on the roof and confronted him, but Crooks pointed his weapon, causing the officer to duck and fall off the roof. The officer’s radio call about "an individual on the roof with a weapon" apparently didn’t warrant immediate evacuation of President Trump. Because, of course, why would it?

Of course, local law enforcement body cameras cannot confirm these facts because … are you ready for this? … According to Tom Fitton, the Butler County sheriffs were not wearing body cameras. How strange is it that a key law enforcement agency did not have its responding officers equipped with body cameras? Nothing to worry about here… we’re sure this is just a coincidence.

And the roof? Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle later explained the lack of a sniper team on the roof by saying it was “sloped” and dangerous.

And who needs the pesky facts that the Secret Service was already stationed on a roof with a 14.04° pitch, and the pitch of the warehouse roof was only 4.76°? And we just learned that, according to Senator Josh Hawley on X, “Whistleblowers tell me that MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service. DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel.” Maybe that’s why she feared putting them on a sloped roof…


We just discussed the slope of the warehouse roof. From the videos, it appears that if Crooks was positioned where we see him, the 4.76° pitch might have obstructed his line of sight to President Trump. Check out this video and decide for yourself.

Oh, here’s a real gem. The Secret Service claims there was a counter-sniper team stationed in a second-story window of the very warehouse where Crooks was supposedly perched. Minor hiccup, though … That warehouse doesn’t even have a second-story window. But guess what? The adjacent building does, giving them a perfect view of Crooks.

The video above claims that Crooks was merely a distraction, the “magician’s assistant” in this elaborate trick, while the real shooter was possibly on the water tower. Was Crooks the decoy, the sleight of hand to keep you from noticing the real threat? Let’s go down the rabbit hole a bit, shall we? This video below was shot by General Eric on the way to the Trump rally. You can clearly see an SUV parked under the water tower.

Videos that indicate someone was on the water tower have been circulating, but we haven’t included them because they are very grainy and don’t help much.  However, several witnesses corroborated that they saw more than one shooter on the tower. And here’s a video of an eyewitness stating that one shooters on the water tower got shot and killed by a sharpshooter and another shooter got away. This footage has been uncovered by our good friend, Greg Reese. FOX News aired it once, but each additional time it was aired the end was cut. In the words of Johnny Carson, “this is wild, weird stuff.”

Mike Adams, the “Health Ranger,” has done an amazing job of dissecting the audio file in today’s episode of Brighteon Broadcast News. The section you want to watch is from about 11 minutes to 48 minutes. In his analysis, Adams proves that shots 1 through 5 were taken from approximately 400-500 feet away, which is consistent with either Crooks on the warehouse roof OR another sniper team set up very close to Crooks. Shot 6 was taken from approximately 600-800 feet away, and shot 7 was taken from approximately 1100-1500 feet away.

Utilizing Google Earth, the water tower appears to be approximately 750 feet away. So was the 6th shot taken from the water tower? And from where was the 7th shot taken? Why are we not hearing about the investigation of the person shot on the water tower? Was there another shooter on the tower? Whose SUV was parked at the base of the tower?  All questions that need to be addressed and answered.

According to Tony Seruga, a lifetime data scientist and CIA/NSA contractor, “We have tracked the black SUV that had picked up our phantom water tower sniper ... With 100% confidence, based on cell phone data, that particular sniper was FBI and the SUV was registered to the Department of Agriculture.” Is Seruga correct? Was there another shooter on the tower?  

That’s not the only report of a possible second shooter. Here’s a video that sure does look and sound like there was a second shooter in the crowd. Keep in mind that this video is on Trump's left side, whereas the warehouse is on Trump’s right side.

Back to the FBI. Here is a photo of the FBI cleaning up (destroying) the crime scene where the shooter allegedly opened fire to assassinate President Trump and was quickly shot by a Secret Service sniper. Of course, the FBI may have gotten all the blood and fibers (and brass?) they needed for their investigation, so this might be nothing ….


Oligarchy of Elites Running the World Since the Kennedy Assassination

There Has Been an Oligarchy of Elites Running the World Since the Kennedy Assassination