Monday, May 27, 2024

George Soros War on the Rule of Law

George Soros War on the Rule of Law

George Soros, a personification of Ian Fleming’s evil mastermind, Goldfinger. He planned to heist all the gold in Fort Knox. George Soros conspires to destroy the USA and Western Civilization. A major tenet of the Soros campaign: “ Destroy The Rule Of Law”!

The Rule of Law is the fundamental foundational tenet of Western Civilization. The protectors of “ The Rule Of Law” in the USA are our county attorneys. There are 2,300 elected county attorneys spread across 3,143 counties. Since 2015 “ Goldfinger’ Soros has funded the “ progressive prosecutor movement”( aka regressive persecutor rampage) with one billion dollars. Other Bond villains , Mark “Oddjob” Zuckerberg and Dustin “Jaws” Moskovitz have donated billions to the regressive persecutor rampage.

Today, there are more than 70 rogue county attorneys ( persecutors). Their legal chaotic persecution presides over 72 million people in Boston, Los Angeles County, Chicago, Philadelphia, and others. Upon swearing an oath to enforce the law, these prevaricating rogues fire all experienced criminal prosecutors and replace them with leftist lawyers. Their policies include refusing to prosecute shoplifting, criminal trespass (renamed squatting), receiving stolen property, illegal drug dealing, and refusing to demand cash bail for violent repeat offenders.

As Common Sense predicts, crimes skyrocketed. In Philadelphia, aggravated assaults armed with a handgun escalated to 3,116 per year from 2,209; retail theft to 9084 annually from 7,412; auto thefts to 8,665 from 5,691 annually. Murders in Chicago annually exceed total American combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. See the Epoch Times, May 8-14, 2024, pp. 14.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a common denominator there besides being billionaires.