Friday, May 31, 2024

Smotrich: 'Israel must go to war in Judea and Samaria'

Smotrich visits town of Bat Hefer: 'Anyone who talks about establishing a Palestinian state abandons the residents of Sharon and central Israel to death and endangers the existence of the State.'

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich visited the town of Bat Hefer following the Wednesday shooting there.

He met with the head of the Emek Hefer Council Galit Shaul, the head of the Southern Sharon Council Oshrat Gani Gonen, the head of the Kadima-Tzoran Council Keren Green, Hod Hasharon Mayor Amir Kochavi, and the heads of villages.

During the visit, the Minister reached the point where the shooting occurred yesterday and spoke with the council heads and residents at the site.

Smotrich said during the visit: "Yesterday in the morning hours, terrorists from Tulkarm came not far from here and carried out a shooting. The State of Israel must ensure the safety of the residents of Sharon and the safety of all citizens of Israel. Every Israeli citizen desires peace and the prosperity of the State of Israel; we all fully agree that we cannot live with threats of shooting towards our settlements, not in the north, not in the south, not in Samaria, and not in Sharon."

He added: "We are facing a cruel enemy on all fronts, and I came this morning to be here. In the coming days, we will convene all the heads of the local authorities for a working meeting to promote an immediate security response for you."

He addressed the residents and heads of the settlements and said: "Tonight in the cabinet, I will put my full weight on this matter. The security of the settlements here is the security of the entire country. Our mission is not how to stop the shooting until the next 'drip', but as a state and as a government, we are committed to your security, to eliminate the threat, and to let you live in safety. This is our job and this is what will be, any other option is a failure."

"So that, Heaven forbid, Kfar Saba doesn't become Kfar Gaza and Bat Hefer doesn't become Be'eri, we must strike a decisive blow to terror. So that, with God's help, we will do," Smotrich concluded his remarks.

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