Friday, May 31, 2024

The Rubicon Has Been Crossed

Where Do Things Go From Here?
David Robb

They did it. They have sown the wind—now let them reap the whirlwind. The injustice of the Trump trial in New York, and the conviction verdict lit the fuse of something the Deep State Left never expected.

Despite the trial and the verdict, Donald Trump was never the target—we were. It was intended to show us that if so popular and powerful a figure as Donald Trump could be treated so, then the same or worse could happen to any of us who dared step out of line. Like other attempts in the past to intimidate the American people into submission, it has only served to awaken a force beyond reckoning.

The options for the Deep State/Progressive Left are rapidly evaporating. For all practical purposes, there are only three remaining. They can rig the November election as they did in 2020 to elect their chosen slate. They can provoke a major war to justify a declaration of martial law so they can postpone "for the duration" the election. Lastly, they can eliminate Trump as a candidate through assassination or incapacitation.

They have tried impeachment, removing him from the ballots, declaring him unqualified through insurrection, stopping him from campaigning, and now through potential incarceration following a rigged trial. There isn't much left to try.

Yes, they could simply accept reality and surrender to an inevitable transfer of power. As the Brits might say: "Not bloody likely". Like so many of the powerful of the past, our power elite have no inclination to relinquish their positions. Their attitude is more "We don't want to live in a world where we are not in power, and we don't want you to either. If we can't have our way, we will make sure there is nothing left for you." "You thought you had a government of the people. You were mistaken. Submit or pay the price, just like we will make Trump pay."

No matter what happens now, the Rubicon has been crossed.  

While they will still probably try, rigging the election will be difficult.  Too many are watching now, and no-one is willing to accept another 2020.  

They are working hard to build the Ukraine situation into a war with Russia, including working on a mutual defense pact with Ukraine.  

It is doubtful, though, that Ukraine can hold out for another month, much less until November, even with US aid.  The Middle East is also unpromising as an excuse for war.  They may be able to foment domestic unrest sufficient to justify martial law, but that is not certain.

Their final solution looks more and more likely.  Cut off the head, and the body dies.  No more MAGA, except that would be an even bigger mistake than any of the lawfare options to date, including Thursday’s conviction.  

This United States will not be the same again.  

Equal justice under the law has been one of the principal shared values of Americans.  From the Superman films of the ‘60s with Superman always standing up for "Truth, Justice, and the American Way of Life" to our common pledge "... with liberty and justice for all.", the concept of equal justice with one law for all has been a rock on which this nation has been built.  The Progressive Left has sought to shatter that rock.  There will be a price to be paid.

They promised a fundamental Transformation of this country.  Perhaps now they will get it—just not the transformation they desired.  

Judge Juan Merchan, The Cat That Swallowed The Canary?

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