Sunday, May 26, 2024

Germany's Woke Government Wavers As Islamists Declare Holy War

Germany’s woke government wavers as Islamists declare holy war
Soeren Kern, Middle East Forum

More than a thousand Islamic extremists recently marched through the streets of Hamburg, Germany’s second-largest city, demanding that the European Union’s most populous and powerful country be reconstituted as an Islamic state governed by sharia.

The demonstration, organized by a fast-growing Islamist group called Muslim Interaktiv, was allowed to proceed after left-wing parties in Hamburg’s legislature rejected a petition by right-wing parties to prohibit the event.

During the April 27 march in Hamburg’s multicultural Sankt Georg district, the Islamists — mostly young men, but also women in chadors, hijabs, niqabs, and jilbabs — complained about an alleged surge in “Islamophobia” in Germany since October 7, when Hamas terrorists slaughtered more than 1,000 Israelis.

Amid shouts of “Allahu Akbar” and “There is no God but Allah,” the protesters reminded German authorities of their constitutional obligation to ensure justice for everyone.

They then described Germany as a “dictatorship of values” and called for replacing it with a caliphate, an Islamic dictatorship in which there is no separation between state and religion.

The audacious display of Islamist power on German streets cast light on a glaring double standard:

On the one hand, the German government continues to trivialize and even express solidarity with the totalitarian challenge to democracy posed by radical Muslims, who openly seek to overturn Germany’s constitutional order; on the other, the government is obsessed with the threats it says are posed to democracy by the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD), the country’s second-largest political party, whose popularity is largely fueled by voters frustrated with the government’s refusal to crack down on those very same Islamists.

The German government’s laissez-faire approach to Islamism has moved the problem into a taboo zone that has strengthened the Islamists.

Some observers argue that if the German government would only take the Islamist threat more seriously, it could instantly solve the populist problem by removing the main issue that makes the AfD so popular.

But alas, key members of Germany’s government — and, apparently, many German voters — are disciples of wokeism, which claims that Islamists are a disadvantaged minority group that must be empowered.

At the same time, Germans seeking to preserve their culture against the encroachment of Islamism are branded as right-wing extremists who pose an existential danger to democracy.

After the Hamburg imbroglio, Interior Minister Nancy Faeser declared: “If you want a caliphate, you’ve come to the wrong place.” And yet, just a few weeks earlier, she’d insisted that the real danger to Germany lies not with the Islamists but with the far right. When asked why she considers right-wing extremism to be more threatening than Islamism, she replied: “Islamism does not want to overthrow the system, right-wing extremists do.”


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