Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Russian Border Security: 'NATO is training to strike Russian soil with nuclear weapons', 'urgent measures to be taken'

FSB to Putin: "NATO is training to hit us with nukes" - Now they threaten the very existence of the Russian state

The head of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) made a very disturbing revelation to the Sputnik agency, indicative of where the increasingly escalating Russia-Ukraine/NATO war is heading.

In a news story making the rounds in the Russian media, the Russian official confirmed that NATO forces are conducting nuclear strike simulation exercises within striking distance of Russian territory.

"NATO is training to strike Russian soil with nuclear weapons near its borders," said Vladimir Kulisov.

And he added:

"Near the Russian border, NATO's reconnaissance activities are increasing, the intensity of the operational combat training of the Alliance troops is increasing, during which they are working out scenarios for conducting military operations against the Russian Federation, including the launch of nuclear attacks on our territory outside" .

Kulisov underlined that the situation requires "urgent measures to be taken to protect and secure our borders".

Just hearing that NATO is going to nuke Russia is an escalation in itself. Even more so when there are exercises near the Russian border

This revelation is related to the information broadcast by War News 24/7 in recent days about the strikes on the strategic radars of Russia's nuclear early warning and combat system.

It thickens the mystery surrounding the attack on the “Voronezh M” early warning radar near the city of Orsk in Orenburg Oblast deep inside Russia.

Russian news channels not only confirm the attempted attack, but talk about a Tekever AR3 manufactured in Portugal allegedly involved in the attack.

“The AR3 is the junior version of the Tekever family. They are more widespread, which is why they were used as kamikaze drones."

We remind you that according to Reuters, which cited a Ukrainian military source, "the attack was carried out by the military intelligence service of Ukraine on Sunday, and it was not reported whether it caused any damage. The city of Orsk is approximately 1,500 km from the nearest Ukrainian-controlled territory."

Russia's state-run TASS news agency quoted the commander of Russia's aerospace forces as saying in 2017 that three new Voronezh-type advanced early warning radars had been commissioned, including one in the Orenburg region.

Satellite images have gone viral in the last few hours that allegedly show some damage to the Russian facilities in question.

However, Russia does not confirm any strike within the area where the radar is located:

Ukrainians have once again attempted to strike Russian nuclear early warning radars, this time using NATO-supplied weapons! In an effort to target the "Voronezh-DM" radar station, a British-Portuguese Tekever AR3 drone was deployed. One of these drones was shot down over Armavir in the Krasnodar region. These Tekever AR3 drones were supplied to Ukraine as part of a recent UK military aid package. Reuters, citing an unnamed Ukrainian official, confirmed the attempted strike.

Big deal: Russian Voronezh-DM over-the-horizon radar has been damaged by Ukrainian kamikaze UAV strike near the village of Armavir of the Krasnodar region. The Voronezh-DM system is designed for long-range monitoring of airspace against ballistic missile attack and aircraft…

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