Sunday, May 26, 2024

Klaus Schwab Not Resigning, Only Going Deeper Underground

WEF’er Klaus Schwab Not Resigning, Only Going Deeper Underground
Judi McLeod

“Klaus Schwab is Stepping Down as WEF Chair in 2025. (Robert Malone MD, May 21, 2024)

    “The leader and founder of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, is leaving his executive role and transitioning to a “non-executive chairman role” in 2025.”

Yeah, right.

    “The truth is that Borge Brende, president of the World Economic Forum, already leads the day-to-day operations. Mr. Brende, a smart, sophisticated Norwegian negotiator with a proven track record, and he is primed to take on an even bigger role in the organization. His involvement in the Bilderberg meetings, including service on their steering committee and various roles within the United Nations, including Chairman of the UN Commission of Sustainable Development (2003-04), attest to his ability to build power and influence. (Malone)
    “He is the natural successor to Klaus's vaulted title of executive chairman.
    Schwab is an excellent cut-out villain cartoon character with his Germanic, authoritarian, and overbearing demeanor.”

The devil dresses in many different disguises, and so does the WEF.

    “He comes across as a two-dimensional figure, driven by corporatism and power, which makes him an easy target to hate. But the truth is that he has been coopting and coercing national leaders for decades.” (Malone)

Self-admitted Christ denier Yuval Noah Harari, is still there, so, too are committed members on the long list of all the WEF Young Leaders Graduates—including world leaders such as Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau—who already ceded Canada’s sovereignty over to Schwab and Company.

    “The World Economic Forum is a tool for corporate globalists to rule the world through inverse totalitarianism. In effect, our nation, as well as many other nation-states, have been turned upside down while being captured by corporate interests that endorse authoritarian policies - hence “inverted totalitarianism”. (Malone)

As millions of Americans head into Memorial Day Weekend mode, something is going deadly wrong for a mostly unaware society.

The World Health Organization (WHO), which boasts as many as 194 member states, is set to engulf World health May-27 to June 1.

Days before the sudden Schwab resignation Announcement, this is what was taking place:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The WEF in pause mode. When 666 appears post rapture full steam ahead to NWO.