Thursday, May 30, 2024

Food Shortages Coming: 4 MILLION Chickens Ordered To Be Killed

These farms might not be set on fire but the results are the same.

They’re using ‘bird flu’ to destroy more of our food.

They went after dairy cows, now it’s chickens.

Over 4 million chickens in Iowa are going to be killed because a case of the highly pathogenic bird flu “was found” at a big egg farm.

If I owned that farm I’d say, “Show me the proof.”

Don’t just take their word for it.

Last week, they claimed the virus was “found” at an egg farm near Minneapolis, Minnesota.

What did they do?

Killed 1,400,000 chickens.

“Hey, they’re buying it! At this rate we can have them kill ALL their chickens!”

Someone needs to put their foot down and say NO. And get some serious, rock solid proof.

The era of blindly trusting the ‘experts’ is over.

ABC News reports:

More than 4 million chickens in Iowa will have to be killed after a case of the highly pathogenic bird flu was detected at a large egg farm, the state announced Tuesday.

Crews are in the process of killing 4.2 million chickens after the disease was found at a farm in Sioux County, Iowa, making it the latest in a yearslong outbreak that now is affecting dairy cattle as well. Last week, the virus was confirmed at an egg farm west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, leading to the slaughter of nearly 1.4 million chickens.

Overall, 92.34 million birds have been killed since the outbreak began in 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Although bird flu has become somewhat common among poultry, its spread to cattle has added to worries about the disease. In May, a second dairy farmworker was diagnosed with bird flu, and the virus was detected in both beef and milk. It has been confirmed on dairy cattle farms in nine states.

Looks like the bird flu was already in Australia, and then it swam over to Amercia?

Or it hopped on the one Boeing plane that actually worked and flew over?

"400,000 Chickens have been killed in Victoria to halt the spread of Bird Flu” “The deadly disease has now been detected at a second farm” Bird Flu is perfect for the Globalist Agenda:- Kill birds/chickens ✅ Reduce food - eggs/meat ✅ Target cattle ✅ Financially ruins Farmers ✅ Cross Borders virus ✅ Human vaccines available ✅ With Bird Flu now being reported by Legacy Media in numerous countries it would appear the Globalists are going with this so called disease to finish off what they started with Covid.


Anonymous said...

Don’t worry Soylent Green will be plentiful.

Anonymous said...

1973 movie sure parallels what the WEF, WHO, and Gates are pushing today. Soylent Green. Climate change, control of food production, euthanasia all rolled into one.