Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Things To Come: Digital ID

5 Reasons To Sign Up For Your Digital ID

Digital ID is the newest marvel of modern ingenuity, poised to revolutionise life in Australia. But fear not for digital ID is not mandatory—yet. It’s just like the vaccine that wasn’t mandatory, until it was, sort of.

Will this digital firebrand rest in the hands of businesses?

Perhaps a shiny new tax break, or a pat on the back from the local MP?

Picture the future with digital ID kiosks popping up outside hardware shops, nestled between the sausage sizzle and the garden gnomes.

“Get your digital ID here!” the signs will scream.

And what’s that? A free large fries with every digital ID? How utterly irresistible!

One might even wonder if this newfound digital identity could be the key to saving your dear old grandmother.

The bureaucrats will be rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of a new, streamlined system to manage.

No more messy paperwork or the need to remember pesky details like names and addresses. Everything will be neatly stored in a digital vault, accessible at the click of a button.

And just imagine the possibilities for surveillance! Why, they’ll be able to track your every move with the precision of a bloodhound on a scent trail.

And then there’s the ordinary citizen, who will no doubt revel in the convenience of it all.

No more fumbling for a driver’s license or digging through wallets for a Medicare card. Just a single, magical digital ID, capable of unlocking the doors to the kingdom.

Of course, one might worry about what happens when that digital ID fails to work but let’s not dwell on the negatives, shall we?

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