Sunday, May 26, 2024

Rumors Of War

America Prepares for War With China Amid Latest Provocation From US Congress

The US is conducting war games near the South China Sea as US lawmakers visit Taiwan, undermining the United States’ long-held official commitment to a one-China policy.
The United States is conducting military drills with its allies near the South China Sea as a congressional delegation visits Taiwan in America’s latest attempt to undermine its official one-China policy.
“Marines from the US and the Philippines have been carrying out ominous war games on small islands a short distance from Taiwan,” according to British media, citing reporting by the Wall Street Journal from correspondents embedded with a US military regiment.

“The exercises include deploying teams of marines from Chinook helicopters, readying unarmed assault rifles, and scoping out terrain that would hypothetically be used if conflict erupted,” the article continues. “The developments are a disturbing glimpse into the perspective of US military leaders… Any direct conflict between the US and China could easily spiral into World War Three, with both nations in possession of nuclear weapons that could destroy the planet.”

The United States’ historical position on intervention in Taiwan has been one of so-called “strategic ambiguity,” with the country refusing to clarify whether it would send armed forces to the territory. However, President Joe Biden has broken with tradition by affirming he would be willing to send US troops.

“We’re moving away from counterterrorism and counterinsurgency,” said Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, referring to roles which have been in high demand in US wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. “We want to be postured for large-scale combat operations.”

Figures within the country’s armed forces have predicted the United States must confront China militarily within the next fear years in order to stem its economic rise.
“Rand Corporation warned about 10 years ago that they needed to go to war with China by 2025 in order to prevail,” noted analyst KJ Noh.

Meanwhile, a delegation of lawmakers has arrived in Taiwan to meet with local authorities in the United States’ latest provocation over the thorny issue of the territory’s status. The bipartisan group was led by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) who chairs the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The visit comes amidst cross-strait tensions, with China conducting military drills after Taiwanese politician William Lai Ching-te made statements perceived as promoting separatism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hearing about war all the time makes people tune all out IMO. Like to hear how men sit down and find resolutions, negotiate, and avoid wars, right?