Monday, October 21, 2024

World Economic Forum's Elitist Vision For Decentralized banking And A High Surveillance Prison

How the World Economic Forum's elitist vision for decentralised banking threatens to turn the West into a high surveillance prison

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), this week delivered the opening remarks at the "Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils" in Dubai.

This occasion marked a significant shift in the organization's history.

For the first time in more than half a century, Schwab was not introduced with his familiar title of "executive chair".

Although he will from January 2025 no longer hold the top position, the same old agendas and dystopian visions continue unabated.

The WEF is currently championing a troubling vision aimed at transforming Western nations into a high-surveillance society.

More accurately, an elaborate prison disguised as a world built on progress and sustainability.

And yes, that includes Australia.

Digital Gulags

At the core of this transformation lies the push for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).

In a recent, rather extensive white paper, the WEF cited China’s digital yuan as a model for Western nations.

A crucial aspect of this initiative is that digital currencies and digital IDs go hand in hand.

Proponents claim that CBDCs can reduce cash dependency and “democratise” banking access.

However, the reality is far more insidious.

With every transaction monitored and tracked, the idea of financial freedom dissipates, replaced by a system that operates under constant surveillance. The WEF’s use of progressive language like "inclusion" to promote potentially authoritarian control is particularly disturbing.

In their case studies, the WEF highlights China’s digital currency as a model of financial inclusion, celebrating how it integrates underserved populations into the financial system.

Yet, this praise overlooks the reality that CBDCs could centralize control in the hands of governments, potentially limiting financial freedoms.

Also, while the language of inclusion suggests greater accessibility for marginalized groups, the average person does not have a meaningful say in these transformations. The WEF calls for collaboration between governments and the private sector but provides little indication of how everyday citizens will be empowered to influence these shifts.

Hint: they won't.

Instead, the focus remains on top-down control, where the financial systems are shaped by millionaires and billionaires. You know, everyday people like you and me. 

Very soon, if the WEF has its way, citizens will have little option but to provide identification linked to their financial activities, creating an all-encompassing framework of control.

The mantra that “there’s no such thing as a free lunch” rings true here.

The expediency that digital currencies promise is directly proportional to the erosion of individual privacy. 


JD Farag Update: Take Heart It's All Coming Together

Prophecy Update - 2024-10-20
J.D. Farag

Take Heart It’s All Coming Together

Pastor JD highlights specific prophecies in the Bible that are coming together at break-neck speed with the hopes of reaching the lost and encouraging the saved.

Iran, Israel And Prophetic Stage Settings To Consider

On Nuking Nuclear Iran
Terry James

Diplomats of the world consider it the most crucial area on the planet in terms of attempting to force peace. Those who study Bible prophecy from the True perspective presented in God’s Word should not be surprised that this region is front and center in the cry for peace and safety at this late hour on God’s Prophetic Timeline.

The region of which I write is that which was called Persia in ancient times. At the heart of this volatile geographical arena is, of course, the nation of Iran. The Iranian Islamic regime is the most vociferous government on Earth in declaring they want death to the people of another nation. Its Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, declares at every opportunity that Israel must be expunged from the land –and must be eradicated as a people. Additionally, he and those of his ilk within the regime want America destroyed.

Khamenei leads his people in the chants of death to the Great Satan (America) and death to the Little Satan (Israel) – thus, even though there is tremendous underground resistance by much of the populace within Iran against the fanatical, despotic government that has ruled since the Shaw was deposed.

The reason I say those who study Bible prophecy from the true perspective given in God’s Word shouldn’t be surprised is because Daniel the prophet recorded thousands of years ago that Persia was at the center of Israel’s troubles when he prayed so diligently for his people. Daniel told us, through his prophecy, that his people –hated and harangued by the Prince of Persia– would be on the earthly scene at the time of the end. And the book of the end, we certainly can believe with developments we’ve witnessed, has been opened (Daniel 12: 4) so that Bible students who truly seek Truth can recognize the lateness of this prophetic hour.

So Persia, at this very moment, is at the heart of Israel’s current problems, while that tiny country is surrounded by all Islamist nations that are used by Iran (Persia) as proxies to bedevil the Jewish state. And the fact that the Iranian leaders are blood-vowed to destroy their hated enemies, Israel and America, and knowing as Bible prophecy students who view eschatology from the True perspective –the PreTrib view– that Persia (Iran) is prophetically scheduled to be part of the Gog-Magog attack (Ezekiel 38-39) means that Iran’s nuclear development program is crucial to consider. 

The world’s diplomats don’t look through the prism of PreTrib Bible prophecy. They haven’t a clue that it is the God of Heaven Who will prevent all-out war. They refuse to believe any higher power than themselves can bring the peace and safety they want to broker between Israel and its neighbor antagonists. Neither do most of the Israeli government or IDF generals believe it is a Supernatural Power that guarantees their safety –although there is a small circle of those within both entities that possess some degree of belief in God’s Protection of Israel.

All parties –the diplomats and Israel’s government and military—do understand nuclear power and the threat to peace and safety that power represents. Thus, there is great controversy at present on what to do about Iran’s nuclear weapons that it is feared the blood-vowed Israel haters might soon have in their possession.

With the recent missile attacks directly from Iran, many are urging Israel to use this as an excuse to obliterate the nuclear development facilities. The following somewhat explains the ongoing angst.

“Israel has now its greatest opportunity in 50 years to change the face of the Middle East,” Naftali Bennett, a hardline nationalist and former prime minister who once described himself as to the right of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, recently wrote on social media. “We must act *now* to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime.”

He added: “We have the justification. We have the tools. Now that Hezbollah and Hamas are paralyzed, Iran stands exposed.”

[Source: Washington Worries the Israelis Will Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Sites. But Can They? – The New York Times, October 9, 2024]

It seems to me there are some possible prophetic stage settings to consider in all of this.

Iran, we know (Persia,) will be at the heart of the Gog-Magog coalition when that horde descends in an all-out attack against an Israel which is at peace, according to Ezekiel 38-39. There seems no nuclear weaponry unleashed on the Jewish state, only primarily a land invasion.

The attackers’ nukes have somehow been taken out of the picture, so far as is known in that attack itself. Neither are Israel’s nukes apparently available to retaliate, as given in Ezekiel’s description of the assault. However, God Himself uses, it seems, some sort of Heavenly Nukes!

It is interesting that “fires on the coastlands” is part of the description of that tremendous prophetic scene. Are these nuclear in nature? Could be, but I rather am of the opinion that the fire that’s sent on the coastlands is a Supernatural Judgment sent by the Lord upon those in the region, other than the Gog-Magog attackers—the Anti-Semitic forces– who perpetrate evil against His chosen people. Perhaps it is like the sulfur and brimstone Judgment that fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah.

God has Dealt very recently with Israel’s enemies in observable ways for those who hold to Bible Truth and watch for prophetic signals of these troubled times. It will be, as Daniel the Prophet foretold, for those of us who name the Name of Jesus Christ to Watch and Discern these times that are almost certainly stage-setting for the coming Tribulation era (Daniel’s seventieth week).

“And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand” (Daniel 12: 8-10). 

Those who obey the Lord Jesus Christ’s Command are the “wise” at this moment about whom Daniel prophesied.

“And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13:37). 

One of the most observable signals of that movement toward the Tribulation is Israel’s dealing with Iran’s (ancient Persia’s) nuclear weapons facilities. Actually, it is God’s dealing with Israel’s enemies you can “Watch” with Spiritual Eyes Attuned to Holy Spirit-infused Wisdom, as Daniel was given to tell us about by the Angel (Daniel 12: 8-10).


"Consumers Running Out Of Money": Former Target Exec Offers Dire Warning Ahead Of Christmas

"Consumers Running Out Of Money": Former Target Exec Offers Dire Warning Ahead Of Christmas

US corporate media outlets continue to push propaganda that the economy thrives ahead of the presidential elections, cheerleading the most recent retail sales print. However, most Americans know MSM is full of 'malarkey' because inflation and interest rates force many to spend more but receive less. Many folks have depleted their personal savings and racked up insurmountable credit card debt just to keep up with rising food, energy, insurance, and shelter costs. 

"It's very clear that consumers are running out of money. They're increasingly stressed by inflation and the exhaustion of their pandemic-era savings. When you take a look over the last several years, what you see month after month, everyone talks about, the consumer's still spending. They might be, but they're spending less than the growth of inflation," Storch Advisors CEO Gerald Storch told Fox Bussiness' Maria Bartiromo on Thursday during an interview.

Bartiromo then asked Storch about his forecast on the upcoming spending season between Black Friday and Christmas. The former Target executive said, "[I don't expect] too much, frankly ... and think that [if] we can get growth in [the] 2.5% range, that'd be doing pretty well, and that's not very good. In the heydays there, we'd really want to see something that's more like 4% type of growth. You have, by the way, the shortest holiday season you can even imagine, so that's against retailers." 

Besides Target, Storch was also the former CEO at Toys "R" Us. He noted, "Now and the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas is very, very short, so that's going to be bad. The election's going to weigh on things and the geopolitical situation as well, so I think it's going to be a pretty weak Christmas." 

The longtime retail executive's ominous warning about consumers stalling this holiday season comes after retail sales showed consumers increased their purchases at retailers last month. However, this is only because of higher prices. In other words, consumers are spending more but receiving less.

Storch's outlook for the holiday season comes after Goldman analysts noted that the "trade-down phenomenon" has rippled across high-end and low-end consumers. The last time "trading down" mentions soared on earnings calls was during the GFC crisis in 2008.

We noted earlier this week that the National Retail Federation's annual Prosper Insights & Analytics survey showed lower forecasted spending trends for Halloween among consumers nationwide. The last time this happened was just before the Covid crash. All eyes should be on upcoming Black Friday and Cyber Monday to gauge holiday shopping trends.

One last thing: perhaps mounting economic hardships are some of the drivers as to why US drinking rates have surged to the highest levels since the 1970s inflation storm

Russia's Largest Explosives Plant Attacked In Night Of Over 100 Drones

Russia's Largest Explosives Plant Attacked In Night Of Over 100 Drones

On Sunday Russia's defense ministry (MoD) announced that over 100 Ukrainian drones were downed over several regions of Russia overnight, as Kiev's cross-border drone operations have persisted and even been ramped up. Some apparently made it through, however.

The military and its anti-air defense systems had thwarted "an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack using an aircraft\-type UAV against targets on the territory of the Russian Federation," the ministry said.

Most of the inbound drones were intercepted over the Kursk region, scene of Ukraine's cross-border ground assault which has been unfolding since August.

In particular the MoD tallied that it intercepted or destroyed 110 UAVs, and nearly half of these were downed over Kursk not far from the border.

Dozens of other drones were intercepted over Lipetsk Region, and Nizhny Novgoro and Oryol Regions. One was also downed near Moscow.

The intended targets of the Saturday night attacks included more energy infrastructure and military sites and likely airports.

But there are reports that some of the drones made it through Russian defenses, including on Russia's"largest explosives factory". Located in Nizhny Novgorod, the sprawling state-owned complex appears to have been hit:

A source in Ukraine's SBU security service told Newsweek that drones belonging to the agency, as well as Kyiv's special operations forces and its GUR military intelligence arm, "struck the Sverdlov plant" in the city of Dzerzhinsk overnight, just west of the regional capital in Russia's Nizhny Novgorod region.

Nizhny Novgorod Regional Governor Gleb Nikitin said on Sunday that air defenses and electronic warfare systems had repelled a drone attack around the "industrial zone" in Dzerzhinsk. He did not specify the target of the attack.

Several Russian Telegram channels, often used as sources of information in lieu of official statements, reported that Ukraine had targeted the Sverdlov explosives, chemicals and ammunition factory in Dzerzhinsk.

Russia's military has downplayed these reports, saying only that "four employees of the fire department located on the territory of the industrial enterprise received minor shrapnel wounds."

But videos purporting to have captured the alleged drone strikes show a large fireball lighting up the night sky over Dzerzhinsk.

The Issue is the Revolution

The Issue is the Revolution

“There is only one solution, intifada revolution,” mobs of college students chant at terror rallies.

What is there to ‘revolt’ against in New York City, Los Angeles or Chicago? The Hamas rallies like the BLM, environmentalist and other radical rallies take place in cities run by mayors and city councils who support their efforts and sometimes even show up to their events.

Even before New York City and other municipalities paid out millions in voluntary settlements to the BLM rioters who had assaulted police officers, the dirty secret of the radical mobs was that the authorities were on their side. And will continue to be on their side no matter what they do.

The revolution is also the thing that it’s revolting against.

Democrats secured control of the country’s major cities only to be faced with the timeless leftist challenge of making the intensification of their rule look like revolution rather than totalitarianism. The USSR and Cuba directed the ‘revolution’ outward by invading, conquering and intervening in other countries. Democrat cities nationalized their politics, building entire campaigns around Trump, abortion and (to their eventual regret) declaring themselves to be sanctuary cities.

As long as Republicans existed anywhere, urban Democrats could not sleep soundly at night.

Democrat control of cities and states didn’t end bipartisan politics, just turned it into a somewhat real and somewhat fake grudge match between the party’s really crazy and less crazy wings. Craziness was a variable like ‘X’ that was defined not by the common sense brakes of intellectual diversity, but by how far the really crazy wing could push the less crazy wing.

In 2010, open borders, freeing all the criminals, men pretending to be women and support for Hamas were fringe positions of the really crazy wing. By 2024, they’re Democrat positions.

The difference between the really crazy wing and the merely crazy wing is not that they have fundamentally different beliefs, but different tactics and comfort zones. It didn’t take long for the next generation to come home for winter breaks and win over the Democrat moms and dads to police defunding, drag queen story hour and the mass murder of Jews. But first the cultural establishment had to make these horrifying things seem respectable and normal.

Had to fit banning cars and Hamas on a lawn sign right under “in this house, love is love”.

What will the really crazy wing of the party normalize next? Check the academic calendar for the next year, social media for the year after and then the protest calendar for the next five years.

The ‘revolution’ is just about the radicals running the streets getting the feckless ex-liberals running the actual show to adopt some horrendous policy derived from the ravings of a 19th century philosopher and then given a glow up by activist academics and public intellectuals.

Classic town hall politics, limited constitutional government, and checks and balances in a bipartisan system would have prevented American cities from turning into the Paris Commune, but urban politics had made a rapid transition from Tammany Hall political machines to corporate consultants to Marxist struggle sessions with little democracy to be found in any of it.

Cities aren’t run by voters but by ‘stakeholders’. Lifelong community activists and their community groups, municipal unions and their members, and a few political clubs harvest ballots, turn out votes and then end up running cities. That 1% actually runs our lives.

A new generation of young radical activists with dot com money backing and social media savvy like AOC found it easy enough to harness the power of hipster grad students living in $3K a month walkups to disrupt the system and carve out their own extremist slice of the pie.

The new red guard, like the old, however had to find something to do besides stealing money.

The new red guard, like the old, however had to find something to do besides stealing money.

The lofty promises of universal health care require more money than is available even if the wings of the old crazy party and the new really crazy party stopped stealing all the money. Defunding the police by moving money from law enforcement to their leftist activist social allies is easier. And a good pogrom against Jewish stores and synagogues is a great distraction.

The revolution isn’t about killing Jews (or not just about killing Jews) but wiping out entire classes of people, reactionaries, shopkeepers and whoever else ended up in the killing fields of Siberia, Guangxi and Choeung Ek for the power and profit of a rising new political elite.

The less crazy party thinks it will never have to come to that, but as with its views on men showering with girls or exposing schoolchildren to violent pornography, this is subject to change.

The less crazy party thinks it will never have to come to that, but as with its views on men showering with girls or exposing schoolchildren to violent pornography, this is subject to change.

Life as an urban/suburban bourgeoise with regular stops at Starbucks, Crate and Barrel, and Whole Foods before charging the Tesla in the driveway is pretty comfortable, but being a pol commissar with a dacha in the Outer Banks and the power to gulag your enemies might just be better. All of that will require not just one revolution but a cycle of intermittent revolutions.


Orwell’s Cautionary Warning About Authoritarianism, Mass Surveillance, And The Suppression Of Free Speech


“Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed for ever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you”. –Orwell’s 1984

“They do not even need evidence to condemn someone they believe is guilty”. – Orwell’s 1984

As Ron Paul stated many years ago: “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” And this empire of debt, destruction, delusion, and decadence is sustained only by lies and false narratives at this pivotal point in history. The bloviating neo-con authoritarian tyrants fall back on the same old tired narrative of the U.S. being the beacon of light in a dark world, when it is the failing American empire spreading death, destruction, and disarray around the globe. Hanging their hat on the most powerful military in the world and having the dominant currency in the world is a losing proposition.

Many people have joked that Orwell’s 1984 wasn’t supposed to be an instruction manual, but now it’s not a joke. Orwell’s cautionary warning about authoritarianism, mass surveillance, and the suppression of free speech through the use of propaganda, censorship, and threat of imprisonment and torture, has come to fruition, especially since the Party’s rollout of the cv in 2020.

I don’t believe anything the government says, reports, instructs me to fear, or demands me to hate. I have felt this way for at least the last two decades. And my mistrust has proven to be entirely warranted, as our freedoms, liberties, and rights have been trampled upon and discarded by our overlords. 

 With the proliferation of social media platforms, which should have vastly expanded our free speech opportunities and free flow of information, we’ve seen a massive effort by “The Party”/Deep State to censor anything that deviates from the approved state narrative and career ending punishment of those willing to contradict the lies, mistruths, and disinformation.

The U.S. dollar is no longer king. Its demise is being signaled by the all-time highs in gold and crypto-currencies. Russia, China and their expanding coalition of BRICS countries are rapidly building a new economic paradigm that will further reduce the world’s dependence on the USD. But, these external forces are nothing compared to the death spiral initiated by our own corrupt politicians, central bankers, and government bureaucrat drones.

Your government added $500 billion to the national debt in 3 weeks, and is now adding at a rate exceeding $2 trillion per year, while paying $1.2 trillion per year in interest on the existing national debt of $35.8 trillion. For perspective, at the beginning of this century the national debt was $5.7 trillion, after 211 years as a country, and we were running small surpluses annually. Gold is always a good barometer of how well a country’s finances have been managed. It stood at $275 per ounce on January 1, 2000 and now is up by a factor of 10 at $2,736 today. The financial situation of this country is dire, but everyone continues to pretend everything is normal. It’s not normal and the crash will mark the end of this empire and possible the end of America as a country.

I’ve been committing thoughtcrime every day since I began my blog in 2009. I’ve been punished through demonetization, censorship, career damaging suppression, and the disdain of the majority of sheep in this country as nothing more than a crazy conspiracy theorist. It has been a lonely fifteen year slog, but my will to resist the government and their false narratives has never wavered or waned. My faith in the fact that the existing social order is always swept away during Fourth Turnings, keeps me fighting the good fight, day after day.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Mysterious drones swarmed a U.S. military airbase for 17 days; officials say they don’t know who operated them

Mysterious drones swarmed a U.S. military airbase for 17 days; officials say they don’t know who operated them

Last December, the Wall Street Journal just revealed, an unidentified fleet of drones swarmed a U.S. military airbase in Virginia after intruding restricted airspace. And according to the new report, the Pentagon was powerless to stop them

The incident occurred on Dec. 17, 2023 at Langley Air Force Base, located along Virginia's shoreline, the WSJ reported, citing dozens of U.S. officials, as well as police reports and court documents. Langley, by the way, is one of just a few select U.S. military bases where F-22 Raptor stealth fighters are parked.

After being informed about the incident, former U.S. Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly made the determination that each of the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) was about 20 feet in length and had the ability to fly at a speed of more than 100 miles per hour (mph) at an altitude of approximately 3,000 to 4,000 feet. The drones all flew together in a pattern of one or two fixed-wing units accompanied by smaller quadcopters, each of which was about the size of a 20-pound commercial drone, usually operating at a lower altitude.

According to reports, the drones, of which there were several dozen, flew south across the Chesapeake Bay towards Norfolk where there is a base that houses the U.S. Navy's SEAL Team Six special operations unit. Naval Station Norfolk, a massive naval port, is also located in the direction where the drones were headed that day.

Because of the very small sizes of the UAVs and their quadcopter accompaniments, the U.S. military's radars were unable to detect them. These radar detection systems would have had to be recalibrated in order for them to work properly during the incident.

Reports indicate that the quadcopters were also operating on a special radio frequency that is unavailable to everyday folks who purchase store-bought drones. This left local police as the only ones to pursue and take down the drones, but this effort failed as well.

Nobody knows who owns or controlled the drones that visited the U.S. military at one of its most sensitive locales on the East Coast. For all the billions upon billions of dollars that Washington spends on defense, all of it was useless in tracking down who is responsible for the drone visitation incidents.

At the time, U.S. officials were unsure whether they should try to shoot down the drones. Federal law prohibits the military from shooting down drones near military bases unless they are deemed to pose an immediate threat, which was not the case on Dec. 17, 2023, when the drones appeared to simply be spying.

Authorities were also reluctant to try to jam the drones since doing so could have interfered with local 911 emergency systems and even Wi-Fi networks. It was also deemed to be too risky to shoot directed energy weapons (DEW) at the drones as doing so could have put commercial aircraft at risk.

The drone visitation incident began on Dec. 17, 2023, and ended on Dec. 23, 2023, just two days before Christmas. To this very day, the perpetrators remain unknown, though officials are convinced that powerful forces are behind it because the operation was simply too complex to have been pulled off by drone hobbyists.

Two months before that incident, another like it was detected over the Nevada National Security Site, a U.S. nuclear testing facility located just outside of Las Vegas. Like the Virginia incident, U.S. officials are unsure who flew these drones near the U.S. military's West Coast operations.

Struggling Elderly in Asheville Face Water Crisis After Hurricane Helene

Struggling Elderly in Asheville Face Water Crisis After Hurricane Helene: The Untold Challenges of Survival

More than three weeks after Hurricane Helene wreaked havoc in Asheville, North Carolina, James Greene and his fellow residents at Brooks-Howell Home are still struggling with the aftermath. The 84-year-old and others living in the nursing home have been without regular access to safe running water, complicating basic hygiene and daily activities. The situation is not unique to their facility; across Asheville, several nursing homes are grappling with water issues following the storm.

The lack of municipal running water has forced residents and staff to find alternative methods for essential tasks such as flushing toilets and maintaining personal hygiene—challenges that are particularly daunting for the elderly population of these facilities. This crisis underscores a broader risk posed by hurricane-induced floodwaters, which can introduce a mix of contaminants into local water supplies, heightening the risk of disease outbreaks.

In response to these challenges, city officials issued a Boil Water Notice on Oct. 16, a directive still in place that points to the ongoing concerns about water safety post-Hurricane Helene. For those in elderly care facilities, this notice adds another layer of complexity to their recovery efforts.

The struggle extends beyond just physical discomfort; it has taken an emotional toll on residents cut off from communication in the storm's immediate aftermath. However, thanks to restored phone and internet services and support from various agencies including FEMA and the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, there's hope for gradual improvement.

While community members like Greene express gratitude for the assistance received so far and remain resilient in face of adversity, it's clear that Asheville's road to recovery will be long. The continued support from both governmental agencies and community solidarity is crucial as they navigate these challenging times together.

Israeli strikes said to hit branches of Hezbollah-linked bank in Beirut, Beqaa Valley

Israeli strikes said to hit branches of Hezbollah-linked bank in Beirut, Beqaa Valley
By  and 

Lebanese state media say Israeli strikes have hit branches of the Hezbollah-linked Al-Qard Al-Hassan financial association, including near the country’s only commercial airport, after the Israeli military warned it would attack the quasi-bank, accusing it of financing the Iran-backed terror group’s operations.

Lebanon’s official National News Agency reports eleven strikes on Beirut’s southern suburbs, many of them targeting Al-Qard Al-Hassan.

One strike landed near Beirut’s airport, NNA says. Commercial planes were still seen flying past clouds of smoke in the area, an AFP correspondent says after watching them land at the airport, near the south of the Lebanese capital.

A video feed appears to show the airport operating as usual.

NNA also reports strikes targeting the association in Hermel, Riyaq and Baalbek in the Beqaa Valley region in Lebanon’s east, some 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the Israeli border.

The strike on Baalbek hit a commercial market housing a building formerly used by Al-Qard Al-Hassan, NNA says.

IDF: Hezbollah fired some 200 rockets at northern Israel today; no injuries

Lebanon security source says Israeli strikes hit near Beirut airport; footage shows large plumes of smoke

Reports: US missile defense battery now operational in Israel

Lebanon security source says Israeli strikes hit near Beirut airport; footage shows large plumes of smoke

A Lebanese security source says Israeli strikes have landed near the country’s only airport, as AFP footage shows large plumes of smoke rising close to the facility.

The security source, requesting anonymity to discuss sensitive matters, says two strikes hit near the airport, as Israel pounded nearby areas in the southern suburbs of Beirut after issuing several evacuation orders, according to Lebanese state media.

Blackmail: Zelensky Threatens to Find Nukes If He’s Not Allowed Into NATO

Blackmail: Zelensky Threatens to Find Nukes If He’s Not Allowed Into NATO
Christopher Tomlinson

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has threatened to acquire nuclear weapons if NATO refuses to accept Ukraine as a member, which would likely trigger an open war between the West and Russia due to the military alliance’s mutual defense clause. Speaking to a conference of European Union (EU) leaders in Brussels, Belgium, on Thursday, Zelensky stated that nuclear rearmament is the only other option for this country if NATO membership is denied.

“What way out do we have? Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, or we have to be in some kind of alliance,” Zelensky insisted, claiming he would greatly prefer to join NATO. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had nuclear weapons on its territory, but it gave them up in 1994 as part of the Budapest Memorandum on Ukrainian sovereignty.

Zelensky also stated that he did not understand concerns from those in the United States that Ukraine joining the military alliance could drag NATO into a war with Russia. “An invitation is a preventive step to show that it is not Putin who is changing the world,” he said—although a full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia is already active.

Zelensky also revealed that he told President Donald J. Trump that he would pursue nuclear weapons if Ukraine did not join NATO during the pair’s meetinglast month.

Trump has proposed a peace plan for the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and he states he will end the war if elected next month. Zelensky has largely rejected Trump’s peace proposals in the past, criticizing Trump openly and visiting the United States to, in effect, campaign for Kamala Harris.

Two La Crosse Students Kicked Out of Kamala Rally for Yelling Jesus Is Lord Have a Story to Tell (Watch)

Two La Crosse Students Kicked Out of Kamala Rally for Yelling Jesus Is Lord Have a Story to Tell (Watch)

Kamala Harris's terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad week couldn't have gotten any worse if she tried. First one of her biggest mouthpieces Gretchen Whitmer mocked Catholics with a Dorito Eucharist, then Kamala herself kicked two STUDENTS out of her rally for daring to say, 'Jesus is Lord,' and then of course the flop SNL flop she phoned in for the Al Smith dinner.

Kamala has made it clear Democrats do NOT care about or even like Christians.

Especially young Christians who believe Jesus is Lord:

SCOOP: Just spoke w/ the 2 Lacrosse University students, who were kicked out of Kamala’s Wisconsin rally for saying, “Jesus is Lord.” It’s real — it’s corroborated. Meet @lukepolaske & @GrantBeth4. They have a story to tell.

Seems some outlets have tried to claim they were heckling her for other reasons, and that she didn't kick them out for the Jesus piece but if you watch very closely, they are simply bringing up Jesus ... and were removed for doing so. Watch the one short-haired old woman push the one kid.

The two students were interviewed by Fox News ... watch:

Kamala's audience was hostile toward those two young men.


Kamala Makes Contempt for Christianity Explicit

Kiev’s Nuclear Blackmail: Ukraine May Be Considering Deploying a ‘Dirty Bomb’ To Escalate the War and Drag NATO Into WW3

Kiev’s Nuclear Blackmail: Ukraine May Be Considering Deploying a ‘Dirty Bomb’ To Escalate the War and Drag NATO Into WW3

The most absurd development of recent days in the war in Ukraine was the threat – against the western nations – by President Volodymyr Zelensky that ‘either Kiev is seated on NATO once and for all, or they’ll get nuclear weapons’.

This demented rambling has been walked back repeatedly, but there’s something about it that merits examining, because it may point to Ukraine having decided to use a ‘dirty bomb’, a crude artifact with nuclear waste that could cause radioactive contamination of large sections of territory, and be the catalyst of a worldwide nuclear exchange between the major powers.

The ‘bombshell’ statement (bad pun) from Zelensky came on the sidelines of the EU latest summit in Brussels.

He shockingly clarified: it’s either NATO quickly for Kiev, or Ukraine will once again ‘become a nuclear power’.

Julian Röpcke, on Bild, reported (translated from the German):

“In a conversation with the American presidential candidate Donald Trump a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian declared: “Either Ukraine will have nuclear weapons, and then they will be our defense. Or we will have to enter into some kind of alliance. Apart from NATO, we do not know of any effective alliances today.”

His argument: ‘Which of these major countries, among the nuclear powers, were affected [by war]? All of them? No, only one. Ukraine. Who has renounced nuclear weapons? All of them? Only one. Ukraine. Who is at war today? Ukraine’.”

Zelensky went as far as stating that Trump agreed with him, which is preposterous.

But is that so? Can Ukraine build a bomb in a few weeks?

Röpcke then recalled a report of what a high-ranking Ukrainian official hinted at to BILD and other politicians and officials months ago:

“The West should not believe that Ukraine will accept a second Russian attack on Kiev. Before that happens, it will rebuild its nuclear weapons arsenal, which it has voluntarily given up since the early 1990s. In 2001, Ukraine gave up its last nuclear weapon.”

These explosive details came from high-ranking military officials dealing about the possible Russian invasion of Central and Eastern Ukraine.

“The official specializing in weapons procurement said in a closed meeting: ‘We have the material; we have the knowledge. If the order is given, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb.

The West should ‘think less about Russia’s red lines and more about our red lines’, the official warned.”

The pro-Ukrainian internet turned viciously on the German journalist.

Röpcke already posted about this Ukrainian threat back in May, so the late reaction is strange.

Speaker recently, asked about Russia’s “red lines” and Moscow’s threat of using nuclear weapons (under Chatham House rules): “Why is everybody so concerned about Russia’s red lines? What about our red lines? How many weeks do you think we need to develop a nuclear device? We have all necessary know how and all necessary materials. Maybe eight?! You don’t want to find out.”

According to Dmytro Lytvyn, adviser to President Volodymyr Zelensky, it has long been possible to confuse where the words of military columnists Bild Julian Röpcke, and where are the statements of Russian propagandists, writes Channel 24.

Whatever our opinion on Röpcke, he is a bona-fide pro Ukrainian writer, not a Russian plant.

The Russians have in unison denied that Ukraine has any capabilities to build nuclear bombs – to begin with, they never had nukes, the missiles stationed in their territory belonged to the Soviet Union and later to the ‘Commonwealth of Independent States’ i.e. Russia.

May favorite Russian writer, analyst and news aggregator, Simpliciusreported on Substack on Putin’s ambiguous reaction:

“He says it’s not that hard, but it’s not that easy to build nuclear weapons in today’s world. It may depend on what exactly we’re talking about. A ‘dirty bomb’ or very crudely ineffective weapon can likely be done fairly easily. But highly refined nuclear weapons are very difficult.

[…] You see, Russia isn’t worried about any low-grade, small yield dirty bomb. Why? Because if Ukraine dared use anything of the sort, Russia could nuke Ukraine to the stone age with impunity—meaning: no ally would come to Ukraine’s defense given the knowledge Ukraine used a nuke first. As such, this threat is meaningless toward Russia.

No, the threat is against Ukraine’s allies. It’s Zelensky’s long-awaited blackmail of his own ‘partners’ with the message effectively being: ‘If you don’t save us, we’ll use nukes to force a confrontation between you and Russia, and burn the whole world down with us’.”

As for Ukrainian Minister Umerov, he came to public stating that he’d do ‘a lot of bad things’ if NATO forced Kiev to exchange territories for a NATO membership.

This Ukrainian talk of nuclear provocations should worry the western powers, for Russia will not hesitate to use nukes and obliterate the Kiev regime in response.

Zelensky’s nuclear blackmail is really directed at his backers more than his enemy.

Zelensky needs NATO to save Ukraine at all costs, and he seems willing to escalate in the war a way that threatens to provoke a clash between NATO and Russia.