Sunday, May 26, 2024

Nasrallah: Hezbollah has surprises as well

Nasrallah: Hezbollah has surprises as well
Dalit Halevi

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah, says that "Al-Aqsa Flood," as he calls the October 7th massacre, led to a significant change in the world's attitude towards the existentially threatened Israel.

In a ceremony commemorating the late president of Iran, Ibrahim Raisi, and his family who were killed in a helicopter crash last week, Nasrallah stated that Israel's decision to continue its "aggression" in Gaza meant it was headed for destruction after failing to achieve even one of its set objectives.

Nasrallah noted that Prime Minister Netanyahu had disavowed his security chiefs, claiming they had not provided him with an accurate assessment of the threats from Gaza, and that the Israeli public had reached a consensus that Israel had experienced an unprecedented event in its history.

Moreover, Nasrallah stated that the recognition of the State of Palestine by European countries and the proceedings against Israel at the International Court of Justice were the repercussions of "Al-Aqsa Flood" and a major loss for Israel. He acknowledged and praised the lecturers and students worldwide who demonstrate for the "Palestinian people."

According to him, Hezbollah has learned the possible actions of Israel in Lebanon, and the organization's first goal is to aid Gaza and the second is to prevent any preemptive action by Israel in Lebanon.

''The besieged Gaza surprised you on October 7. The resistance in Lebanon surprised you on October 8 by opening the front, Yemen surprised you by entering the battle with force, vigor, and bravery. Iraq surprised you. Iran surprised you with missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles and its direct assurance,'' said Nasrallah, who added that Israel should expect Hezbollah also has surprises in store.

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