Iran’s military has "boosted the lethality and effectiveness of existing" ballistic missile systems with "accuracy improvements and new sub-munition payloads," according to a Pentagon report. Portions of the document were declassified on Wednesday after having been presented to Congress last week.
The Pentagon report, obtained by Bloomberg, specifically notes that Iran's short-range ballistic missiles are evolving toward an operational ability to target sea vessels.Iran's military improvements are occurring in parallel with regular ballistic-missile training that “continues throughout the country” and the addition of “newships and submarines,” the report concluded.
French aircraft carrier Charles de GaulleNATO, which proclaims non-involvement in the Syrian conflict, and Russia, which vows to block foreign military action against the Assad regime, are both moving large naval forces into the eastern Mediterranean opposite Syrian shores.
A flotilla of at least 11 Russian warships has been detached from Caspian Sea, Black Sea and North Sea fleet bases and is on its way to the Syrian coast for a maneuver; NATO has consigned its rapid response Maritime Group 2 to the same stretch of sea - where also five Israeli warships are deployed. The Western alliance has also increased surveillance flights over the Mediterranean from the Geilenkirchen air base in Germany.While these coordinated maneuvers are being presented as designed to fend off foreign intervention in the Syrian conflict, our sources report that they are in fact preparing for a potential US attack on Iran’s nuclear program, which is now expected in Gulf and European military quarters to take place in October, three months hence.High-ranking Saudi princes associated with their national military and intelligence agencies frankly confided to Arab and Western officials on recent visits to Riyadh that the US and, possibly Israel too, are on the verge of war on Iran. “It is already decided,” they say. The only question still open is the date, which could be before or after the US presidential election on November 6.In line with this prediction, France is reported in Paris to be massing a large naval force in the United Arab Emirates. The French nuclear aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle-R91 is expected to dock soon at the French naval base in Port Zayid on Abu Dhabi’s northeastern coast opposite the strategic Strait of Hormuz. The French are also boosting their air units at Al Dhafra Air Base, stationing them alongside a large American air force presence.
Russia said on Tuesday that it had dispatched a flotilla of 11 warships to the eastern Mediterranean, some of which would dock in Syria. It would be the largest display of Russian military power in the region since the Syrian conflict began almost 17 months ago. Nearly half of the ships were capable of carrying hundreds of marines.The announcement appeared intended to punctuate Russia’s effort to position itself as an increasingly decisive broker in resolving the antigovernment uprising in Syria, Russia’s last ally in the Middle East and home to Tartus, its only foreign military base outside the former Soviet Union.
Russia dispatched a destroyer-class warship to Syria on Tuesday, a source in the Russian Navy told Reuters, and another military source was quoted as saying four more Russian ships were en route to the violence-torn country.The destroyer Smetlivy, which patrolled the waters off the coast of Syria in April and May, was seen leaving the Black Sea port of Sevastopol on Tuesday morning.
"Smetlivy is leaving for Syria today... The vessel is expected to reach the Turkish straits tomorrow morning," the navy source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.A Russian Black Sea Fleet spokesman said the ship had been dispatched, but declined to confirm its destination. "The vessel has gone to sea, I cannot tell you anything else," spokesman Vyacheslav Trukhachyov said.
Russia, which has blocked Western-led attempts to have the UN Security Council impose harsh sanctions on Assad's government, has been a major arms supplier to Damascus.
Iran’s military continues to improve the accuracy and killing power of its long- and short-range ballistic missiles, including designing a weapon to target vessels, according to a Pentagon report to Congress. The report was obtained and published byBloomberg News on Tuesday.“Iran has boosted the lethality and effectiveness of existing systems by improving accuracy and developing new submunition payloads” that extend the destructive power over a wider area than a solid warhead, the June 29 report signed by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says.
Iran is copy-catting the deadly Russian Kornet anti-tank missile that Hizbullah used against Israeli soldiers in the Second Lebanon War and which Hamas used to kill a student on a school bus last year.Quoting defense sources in London and Moscow, the Gulf News website quoted a Russian defense advisor as saying that Iran may have obtained the design for the Kornet missile from Hizbullah.An analyst from Jane’s Defense suggested that Hamas and/ or Syria may have been the source for handing over the design to Iran, which does not have a license from Russia to produce the missile.
IDF intelligence failed to obtain advanced information that Hizbullah possessed the Kornet missile, and Israeli tanks were unprepared for missile attacks that killed dozens of soldiers and wounded hundreds more in the 34-day-old war.Over two years ago, Israel discovered that Hamas also has possession of the missile. In December 2010, former IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi announced, "On December 6, a Kornet anti-tank missile fired for the first time in Gaza hit an IDF tank and penetrated its outer shell. Luckily, the missile did not explode inside the tank. We are talking about a massive missile, one of the most dangerous in the battlefield, which has already been used against the IDF in the Lebanon War."
Hamas used the same missile to attack a school bus approximately a mile from Gaza last year, killing a student. Dozens of other children had stepped off the bus only a few minutes before the attack near Kibbutz Saad, in the western Negev.
Things continue to build to a giant crescendo. The 11 Russian ships is jaw dropping. It is certainly looking like we are moving to Isaiah 17/Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38-39. All the players are in place.
I would be interested in comments also about the connection between Russia and Turkey. They seem to be on different pages at this point at least regarding Syria. Has that changed any lately?
Any guesses on what Israel is going to do regarding the Iranian threat? We are even reading that Obama may attack in October right before the election. So much is occuring it seems impossible to predict how it will play out.
Oh how I hope the rapture serves as the big tipping point!
Come Lord Jesus!
A great big hug to those who are choosing to help us out with the use of "names". God Bless!
Dear WVBorn56:
I think about that all of the time...I mean all of the time. I hope that the rapture is the game changer. It seems like The Lord is keeping everything on hold. We need an event to change dramatically change things. Hopefully, it will be the rapture, and hopefully it will be soon!
Dear WVBorn56:
I think about that all of the time...I mean all of the time. I hope that the rapture is the game changer. It seems like The Lord is keeping everything on hold. We need an event to change dramatically change things. Hopefully, it will be the rapture, and hopefully it will be soon!
Taking a quick break here....and something seems to have an aroma with this story.
First, I don't think the big "O" has any intention of helping Israel on this.
Second, I don't think there's any way he will attack several weeks before the election and allow the price of oil to sky rocket and harm his election bid. That is the most important thing on his agenda
A. He knows he is going to loose and thinks this would be the best way to cancel the election.
B. He knows Israel will attack in time to destroy his election bid and is playing a game to get Israel thinking we are coordinating with them and we keep putting the "go hot" date off until either after the election or until its late enough not to have an election effect.
Sorry guys.....something here has a bad aroma....I don't believe it as its being reported.
eeyore here-winnie the pooh's gloomy pessimestic friend. Lol. My take is pure speculation. Educated but still speculative.
There will be war and soon.
Our nation is no longer a friend to Israel. The facts show that we have instigated and assisted the overthrow of almost every stable nation in the middle east. Albeit all dictatorships but relatively stable. Now the world, all of it has to deal with the MB
Putin and Russia have dealt with warrimg muslim factions before and he prefers a stable dictatorship over the rise of an islamic caliphate. He is not going to give up tartus.
Saudi Arabia, our only real arab buddy, has witnessed the above, and is so freaked out about what is going in that they have entered into an agreement with China. In turn for nuclear warheads and rockets, China gets to build a military base and gets half of all their oil for the next 30 years, no matter what plus billions of dollars.
Meanwhile, pretty much our entire navy is sitting in a body of water surrounded by enemies in which there is only one way out. A narrow passage that we sure dont control. Whose brilliant idea was that? I dont know but think on that for a good while. Really.
Oh and the economy of the world-no not really-just the western world is getting ready to pancake. Russia and China will be relatively unscathed financially.
Oh wait, all those things arent opinions. They are facts!
Now opinions-dont sweat the elections here. We probably wont have one. And if we do,heck, the company thats counting the votes, one of Obamas largest campaign donators. Anyway whoever wins will be whoever the powers that be want. The only problem is see with that situation is if tptb decide they want Romney, cuz big O is going to be really resistant to that decision. Remember Romney was at the Build a better burger meeting in June .
Since we have abandoned Israel, we as a nation are gonna get spanked.
Im pretty sure we are going to lose our entire fleet in the gulf.
Im pretty sure we are going to get attacked by Russia and China. Im pretty sure rhe while world is going to continue to unravel by natural disaster, war, famine, pestlilence etc including us.
Now for the Good News! Jesus! He us wirh us! Not leaving us, not forsaking us! Comming to get us at some point! Woohooo!
I hope the rapture us rhe tipping point but if its not, look ar Jesus, look at Jesus, look at Jesus!
Great comments Gary, Caver and Ally! Thanks for the input.
My gut says Obama would never attack Iran either Caver unless he gets desperate and does it close enough to the election so oil prices would not be a factor?
Gary, the world events keep escalating to the point it does appear the Lord must be holding it all in check.
Ally I doubt we see WWIII until the church is gone. I think this build up is all about the end time prophetic battles we see from Isaiah and Ezekiel.
We are living in the "Days of Noah" currently and most of the world is eating and drinking and giving in marriage. People are focuised on America's Got Talent, the Olympics, The Tour De France, the All star BB game, shopping, the Election, Obamacare, Tom & Katie break-up,etc. All this tria occuring around us and yet the world is on the brink of WWIII and global economic collapse. Frankly everyone I know is pretty much clueless and I have a bunch of godly friends and family.
We are blessed to be called of God to be watchman. I don't know why God allowed me to see and understand but I am eternally grateful and feel priveledged to be fellowshiping and learning here with Scott and the rest of the gang who "get it"!! Praise the Lord!
I just don't see this busines as usual atmosphere lasting much longer.
Jesus will surprise all but the intentional watchers just as he said, coming as a thief in the night.
How we pray it is soon. Come Lord Jesus. We long to see you face to face and worship at your feet!
Hi Brother WV, :)
Excellent post Brother! Just a thought on the Turkey - Russia not being on the same page about Syria.
We know from Gods Word, that Turkey will indeed be one of Gogs- Russia’s tagalongs. After the devastation of the Isaiah 17 war, and the destruction of Damascus, it wont be too difficult for Turkey to go against Israel as a follower of Russia. Could happen before the wars, they side with whos got the power. This is difficult and heartbreaking to say...but the U.S. is no where in any of these wars, awful to think of reasons why they are not, and with Turkeys anti-Western, anti-Israel stance, Russia will be the power standing...that is until God Himself takes them down on the mountains surrounding Israel...
God Bless You Brother!
There is another possible fate for the United States. If the Rapture were to occur today, we would be devastated because our nation contains more born again Christians than any other nation in the world — more than all of Western Europe combined. The Rapture would reduce our nation to chaos, removing us from the international scene as the world's dominant power.
Selfishly, I am secretly hoping for that being the reason! None of us are at home here, we all want to be home with Jesus.
Hatred of Israel trumps all else in the Middle East...Thats one "rule of thumb" when it comes to any and all alliances in the region :)
Dan - Good point - I have always had that idea in the back of my mind
I know Russia is widely thought to be involved in end time prophecy. . .but why? Because, the only way I can see to make that work . . .is to take the Hebrew word for "chief" or "head" . . .Rosh . . .and somehow say its a place and because it rhymes with the Western word "Russia" it must be so. Is there any other reason than that that I'm missing?
I'm sincerely asking for knowledge because in my research, I can't seem to make this piece of the puzzle fit.
Robin I think they are the only country that is due north of Israel or the extreme north. I believe most all the major bible prophecy scholars agree it is Russia.
WV & Robin....absolutely true WV, most biblical scholars do place them in Russia.
Many non biblical scholars, place them in Turkey.
I'm lifting this quote from another person's work, so am putting it in quotation marks....
"...the following sampling of recreated maps representing several popular Bible atlases, each created by teams of highly accredited and interdisciplinary scholars, and where they all place Magog:
The New Moody Atlas of the Bible p. 93 places Magog in Turkey.
The Zondervan Atlas of the Bible p. 83 places Magog in Turkey.
The Holman Bible Atlas p. 36 places Magog in Turkey.
The IVP Atlas of Bible History p. 18 also places Magog in Turkey...."
Personally, I tend to believe Russia. Many folk that I know that have looked deeply into it believe Russia. Further reading gives a clue as to why the differences....
"...How have the two groups arrived at such different conclusions?
The answer lies in the different methods of interpretation used by these two groups. Most conservative, trained scholars of the Bible use what is called the historical-grammatical method of interpretation. This is to say that they simply identify the names found within Ezekiel’s prophecy according to how Ezekiel himself would have understood them. Thus in the late seventh and early sixth century B.C. when Ezekiel prophesied, Magog, Meshech and Tubal were known to have dwelt in Asia Minor, or modern-day Turkey.
many prophecy teachers use what I call the bloodline-migration method. This method of interpreting the names within prophecy attempt to trace the bloodlines, intermarrying and migration of the ancient peoples mentioned within a prophecy to link them to their modern-day descendants and the nations where they now live...."
But to me....Putin so well fits the bill of a particular character here...AND I just don't see Turkey having the time to develop into this power and pull this coalition together.
While acknowledging a good argument can be made for Turkey, history, a preponderance of bible scholars, and current events argue in favor of Russia to me.
Turkey is North of Israel WV :)
Bible scholar Dr. Merrill Unger says: “Linguistic evidence for the equation of Rosh with Russia is confessedly only presumptive"
Rosh is used over 500 times in the Bible and each time means "head" or "chief". Rosh Hashana - head, or beginning of the New Year.
From the best I can tell, that Rosh is Russia began during the Cold War. Maybe because atheist Communists fit the fulfillment of Prophecy . . .but are we simply reading our assumptions into Bible Prophecy?
Take a look at these verses:
Revelation 2:12-14
The Message to Pergamum, a Compromising Church
12 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Pergamum. This is the message from the one with the sharp two- edged sword:
13 “I know that you live in the city where Satan has his throne, yet you have remained loyal to me. You refused to deny me even when Antipas, my faithful witness, was martyred among you there in Satan’s city.
Pergamom is modern day Bergama, Turkey. Sitting high on a hilltop in the city of Pergamom, was a huge throne, built in the second century BC . . .for Zeus . . .the head of all the Greek Gods. So isn't it odd, that Jesus would call the Pergamum altar, not the throne of Zeus . . .but rather the throne of Satan? Zeus WAS Satan.
Somehow, though . . .Turkey receives very little attention from students of Prophecy . . .now, please work with me here :). Is it possible that Satan is working overtime to deceive us into looking everywhere but Turkey?
The identification of Rosh (RŠ) presents some difficulty. Some understand it to be a proper noun referring to Russia rather than as a simple noun or adjective, "head" or "chief" (KJV), which is its normal meaning.
You are correct in stating that Unger admits, "Linguistic evidence for the equation [of Rosh with Russia] is confessedly only presumptive."
Its all very interesting indeed Robin. Ive gotta go with Carver though, his thoughts echo my own. However, we just wont know for sure until it all happens!
I should clarify that the first part of my post above was taken from another biblical prophecy website...not my own quote! ...although, it did make me sound like quite the scholar there, lol
GEE >>>>> Many opinions here, but
the ONLY THING I look at is the
wave counts, that will NOT change
with me, not at all !!!!
Stocks were down BUT MANY stocks closed up. There is still a RISK
of a rally here to 13,000 or higher
many are hoping for WILL BE delayed
yet again...
The bear count has stocks CRASHING
almost immediately from here BUT
I am NOT SURE what count (bull/bear) will win at this juncture.
However, any and I MEAN ANY
violation of DOW 12, 450 and bulls
are finished, really, they are.
BUT we are STILL above that tonite.
Stay tuned.
Stephen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dear Stephen, don't place your faith in the markets or anything else of this world . . .only God and His Word . . .and the beautiful Grace He's offered us all.
The markets have to fall before the global currency (mark) is introduced . . .but whether it happens before the Rapture or after is anyone's guess. But it's safe to assume the Rapture would cause global economic collapse of economies already teetering on the brink. And the Rapture just might well occur on a day the DJIA is up 450 points . . .and the few days would be closed to regroup . . .and then reopen to catastrophic drop. Do you really hope to be here for that?
Dan and Caver . . .i think as we closely watch things unfold, we should keep our eyes wide open and focus on what we know to be certain . . .and not assume prevailing wisdom was based on anything other than someone else's theories. Do so could possibly, IMHO, blind us to we missed. Not that, to us it matters so much, as we know, what will be will be regardless. But for those left behind . . .seeking information in the wake of unspeakable destruction, famine, disease, etc.
Sorry for the typos ^. On my iPad again :)
The word "Rosh", for me, doesn't even come into play.
- Only Russia is in the "Far North", ie the furthest point north from Israel (specifically Jerusalem) - Turkey doesn't fit that criteria.
- Additionally, the descendants of Noah DID migrate north of the Caspian and North Sea
- And perhaps of more interest - in certain parts of China, near the Great Wall, in the regions that separate them from the ancient Russian warriors - the Great Wall is still called the "Wall of MaGog" - so that term as a reference to Russia goes way back in time and persists to this day in that region.
Breaking news:
Syrian ambassador defects, joins revolution against Assad
Syria's ambassador to Iraqi defected to the rebels....the crack is widening.
"...marks first senior diplomat to quit embattled government; Fares calls on Syrian soldiers to turn guns on "criminal" Damascus leadership..."
Hi Miss Robin,
Good advice...I try not to fall into the trap of being too "rooted" in anything the Scripture leaves any doubt about.
This isn't the area of prophecy that Lord blessed me I slog through all the news I have the time and energy to read and try and make the best sense of it I can, just like most of us here.
Not to worry though, if we're still here the camera will come into focus as the time is right or the Holy Spirit gives us clarity on the subject.
Scott, which scripture describes it as being "far North"?
Ezekiel 39:2
"I will turn you around and drag you along. I will bring you from the far north and send you against the mountains of Israel."
In verse 1 we see the reference to Meshech and Tubal who were sons of Japhethites who settled north of Caspian/North seas in modern day Russia (well, not to split hairs, but the old soviet union regions may be included)
But back to the "far north" - there is great specificity in biblical prophecy and there was a reason "far north" used, rather than simply "north".
I agree Scott and Moscow is dead north of Jerusalem allowing for the curve of the earth - apparently! But I suspect they will start the attack via Turkey as Israels enemies always went in that way, even Egypt in the south went in that way. I read it, but dont remember where!
So where would that place Meshech and Tubal?
Robin said...
So where would that place Meshech and Tubal?
My understanding is that Meshech and Tubal are roughly in the southern Caucasus.
Would that fit in with the prophecy?
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