Saturday, May 25, 2024


J Brentner 

This sounds so much like today!

I couldn’t get that thought out of my head as I read the John 6 account of Jesus’ interaction with the Jews the day after His feeding of the five thousand.

How did those in the crowd on that day respond to Jesus’ plea that they believe in Him? They asked, “Then what sign do you do, that we may see and believe you? What work do you perform?” (John 6:30).

What more did they need to see?

Jesus had just fed a multitude with “five barley loaves” and “two fish.” The total number of people could easily have been close to fifteen thousand since the number “five thousand” just included the men. Even satisfying the hunger of a few hundred people with such little food would’ve been a significant miracle, but to feed so great a gathering was over-the-top supernatural.

Seeing such a miraculous sign should’ve at least caused the crowd to consider Jesus’ claims on the following day, but most scoffed at His claims and walked away.

The lack of discernment among this hungry throng from so long ago bears a striking resemblance to many Christians today. They see the multitude of signs telling them that they live in the last moments of time before the start of the Tribulation, yet they respond in the same manner as those who witnessed the feeding of the five thousand.

They scoff at our hope of Jesus’ imminent appearing and flock to churches that proclaim an end-of-the-world return of Jesus that happens in the far distant future. They want what Jesus offers but would rather not look for His imminent intervention in their world.

Beginning in the early seventeenth century, many students of Bible prophecy taught that Israel would again become a nation. When this miraculously happened about three hundred years later, it did little to change the minds of those who claimed God had rejected Israel. This major fulfillment of Bible prophecy didn’t alter their errant thinking that the church was God’s kingdom in place of Israel.

Never before has there been so much evidence pointing to the nearness of this time of wrath than today. However, never in recent history has there been so much unawareness and disbelief regarding Bible prophecy as we now see in churches that claim to believe in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture.

The same unbelief that caused the crowd to refute Jesus’ claims in John chapter 6 keeps many of today’s Christians oblivious to the fact that their world could radically and suddenly change at any moment.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the evidence is there to suggest this is the moment. There still is a reluctance to out right claim that this is the time s historical events of similar magnitude have come and gone. Is it necessary to know this is the moment? Or is it more important to accept Yeshua regardless and not be concerned with the state of the world.

Scott said...

Both are important. Luke 12: 35-59

Anonymous said...

Waiting in line to check out the cashier had those rings in his ears that stretch his ear lobes to a point that it would seem to risk tearing the last remaining fine layer of skin holding that ring. I thought to myself how is it he can’t grasp how ridiculous that looks and why would anyone do that to his body. He obviously does not see what I see. Same goes for current events and the imminent arrival of our Lord and Savior. Expecting others to see what we may see is ridiculous. What matters is our Lord and Savior sees clearly and knows us better than we know our selves and rather or not this moment in time is his return as he promised or not is not the point. The point has been and always will be is that we accept and believe in our Lord Yeshua as our Savior.

Anonymous said...

Believe on Jesus and call on the name of the lord to save you.

Anonymous said...

Why do we watch? Why do you watch (anonymous, above)? We watch because we are called by God to be watchmen and women. Besides watching, why do watchman watch? To warn others (Ezekial 33:6). This article by Jonathan Brentner brings out a parallel that I had never really thought about - how skeptics at the end of this age are no different than the skeptics of Jesus' time. We (watchmen) all see increasingly "ridiculous" things happening in our world. I truly believe that God is allowing all the craziness to help people wake up. Some examples (no particular order) are: Look at who heads up the "Space Force"? How about HHS? Who's the transportation sec. who took off "paternity time" while the airlines/airplanes seem to be held together by wire and duct tape? We have a "resident" who belongs in the memory care unit of a nursing home, and the use of "lawfare" to discourage others from from attempting to make positive changes. We have psychopaths pushing unproven, even harmful medical therapies - onto innocent children and others. We have a "pope" who is arguably "not Catholic" according to long held Catholic doctrine. How much more ridiculous can things get? Not to mention all the war mongering, Israel hating, - calling evil, "good" and good, "evil". Open borders, defund the police movements, etc. etc. God in His infinite grace and mercy is attempting to wake people up. I'm pretty sure that we are towards the end of "riduculous" - although things could go on a little longer (most savvy prophecy experts who will admit so, do not think we have five years left). The mainstream news is also talking about aliens. If I weren't a believer in Christ, I'd be searching for truth right now. Time to plant the seeds of salvation. If the craziness in the news isn't waking people up, it is their loved ones dying of "inexplicable" turbo cancers or cancers that had been in remission coming back with a vengeance.

Anonymous said...

There are MANY death bed conversions - this is our moment to drive that home and to share the faith.

Anonymous said...

You are very correct in your assessment. Thanks for pointing that out. I have been called to watch.

Anonymous said...

I would however disagree that GOD is responsible for what I believe to be Satanic in origin. The feeling I have inside calls me to watch. All this is occurring around but in reality to this point I have not been affected and those that I try to enlighten to the possibility would rather not listen. Looking at those that would rather not listen are comfortable not knowing. It is not as they are sticking their heads in the sand . It is more like they see what is occurring, but are comfortable in their faith and trust in GOD and do not feel the need to live life fearing what might happen or not. My concern is not for those, but for those that have been caught up in the what I consider to be satanic. Good souls that do not see and are affected by what is happening and in many cases participate. This is what troubles me the most.

Anonymous said...

Let me explain those that are good souls and still participate in what I consider satanic in origin. Healthcare workers that I know that are good souls, but were pushing a vaccine that gave me an uncomfortable feeling was not proven and experimental and has proven to be harmful. In other instances are extremely connected to the church, but participate in weakening the faith unknowingly. Other instances of individuals I don’t recognize as the same individuals that have done a complete 180. I also fear for those that place all their faith in a human solution and may be disappointed in the result. There are those that are extremely good souls that have been so comfortable in routine living that it becomes difficult for change even while what is occurring affects them in a negative way. Very troubling.