Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Slumbering Through 'Kingdom Now, Dominion Theology'

Slumbering Preachers Need To Wake Up

A ministry supporter in Washington State a few years ago sent me a flyer that was handed out in his church. It is more mocking. The flyer asks if folks have met “End-Times Eddie” in the church. It denigrates “Eddie” and suggests he is so focused on end-times that he has missed all the present opportunities and people in front of him.

“Eddie” is gloom and doom. Why isn’t he looking for Jesus to bring Heaven to earth right now?

Then, the flyer suggests some questions for the church’s small groups. Here are a few samples:

  • What are your emotions when you encounter “End-Times Eddie”?
  • Is the end-time message one of hope or fear?
  • Jesus told us to pray for “your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” What does Heaven on earth look like today?
  • Who in your life needs Heaven to come to earth right now?

Two things stand out to me:

1) Here is just one more church preaching, “Come, Lord Jesus, but not too soon.”

2) They have embraced the false teaching promoted heavily by the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) that we can have Heaven on earth now. This is called Kingdom Now or Dominion Theology.

Show me just one square mile of this planet that can demonstrate a Garden of Eden-like Heaven on earth. You will find only chaos. And the church trying to perfect the world for the next one million years won’t fix it.

Those of us who have promoted the important message that the King is coming are painfully aware that young believers no longer uphold Bible prophecy as a key component of the faith. They would rather focus on social justice, the green agenda, and Christian Palestinianism.

Kingdom Now or Dominion Theology tries to humanize God and deify man. Sadly, the world will continue to deteriorate and spiral into chaos, forcing man to consider the hope of Heaven and abandon thoughts of a glorified earth. Only when Jesus Christ returns at the Second Coming will all things be made new.


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