Monday, May 6, 2024

How to explain World War III to normies

How to explain World War III to normies

We are living in interesting times, though. Lockdowns and shortages since 2020 have rattled the bars of the utopian Western mind prison we’d been living in since the Second World War. Idealism and self-indulgence had run rampant in the West since the 50s. We lived in a reality constructed by TV, movies and three-minute music hits.

That period of collective unreality is now ending.

Regardless of why our elites have betrayed us, Iran, Russia and China are choosing now for their strategic moves because they know that the economic foundations of Western power are crumbling.

After World War II, the victorious United States built a series of institutions to spread liberal democracy around the world. These days, those institutions spread perversion, financial slavery and oligarchic control around the world. They include the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank and the Bretton Woods monetary system.

It’s all a Ponzi scheme. Smoke and mirrors. There’s no wizard behind the curtain; just a bunch of overfed bankers and their cronies hoodwinking the world into giving them everything for nothing.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was an allegory of central banking

Yet those financial elites, a cabal if you will, control the politicians and the corporations and the institutions that run the West and the world.

For now. Until the Houthis or the Persians or the Russians or the Chinese or all of them shoot enough rockets to take the whole thing down. The Russians and Chinese also use the alchemy of central banking. However, their lack of significant public debt and welfare obligations means those nations won’t collapse in the coming crisis.

Now, the debt has reached its limit. Consumers are maxed out, and the supply of new debt-slave immigrants to the West has overstretched infrastructure and political will. There are no new markets to expand to, no new commodity fields to exploit. Cheap oil has also dried up everywhere except Iran and Russia, really, and we’ve hit natural extraction limits across multiple commodities the system needs for collateralisation and continued debt expansion.

This is why war is coming. The Western oligarchs owe too much to those proles dependent on the welfare state, and will be happy to thin the herd. Russia and China are also not willing to accept the Western elites continuing to rule the world.

This is the real great reset.

This is also why the Western oligarchs are pushing for energy de-carbonisation and the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs). They’re desperate. They know they need to end liberal democracy and get the Western slave proles who survive World War III used to much lower levels of consumption, while thinking it’s a good thing.

Many ideological, religious and sentimental reasons will be provided to your normie coworker or brother-in-law about why we need to fight World War III. They will all be lies.

We’re going to war against Eurasia and Eastasia because we based an economic system on debt, and now reality has arrived, and it’s time to pay the piper.

This is the message to pass on to the normies in your life as they lose their minds and start wondering why the world they took for granted is disappearing around them.

Unlike the more enlightened elites of Oceania in 1984, our decadent elites are going to war with both Eastasia and Eurasia simultaneously. This is madness, and they will fail.

As they do, the normies are going to need help processing what’s happening. Be sure to lend a hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When a person speaks as though he considers others normies, the question comes to mind what or whom does he consider himself to be? The idea that normal people can’t come to a conclusion about what is or about to take place is a problem that seems to permeate in this elitism agenda. Normal people are capable of thinking for themselves. Doesn’t mean they always come to the right conclusion. We all are capable of poor decisions or assumptions.