Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Idyllic Socialism That Never Existed

Idyllic Socialism That Never Existed

Bernie Sanders and his AOC pupil praise socialism, Russia, Cuba, and its socialist dictator Fidel Castro. Over two million people (2.052 million) under the age of 30 voted for the Democrat Socialist Bernie Sanders in the 2016 election.  Polls show that a large percentage of Millennials prefer to live under socialism rather than capitalism. According to the Heritage Foundation, the Democratic Socialists of America have a roster of 30,000 members, most of them in their twenties.

Millennials hang on Bernie Sanders every word—they want free college, single payer health care, racial justice, social justice, economic justice, gender justice, and environmental justice. The free lunch, which economically speaking, does not exist, must be paid, Bernie said, by the rich, millionaires and billionaires.

The socially liberal Millennials dislike capitalism because they cannot find the six-figure salary job their college professors promised them, have huge college debt that funded worthless college degrees for which they cannot possibly find employment, don’t like the status quo, and want to replace capitalism with the promise of everything free under socialism.

Personally I don’t believe Millennials would be willing to give up their electronic gadgets, their smart phones, all conveniences that make life easier and more pleasant,  free speech, free press, free assembly to protest at the drop of a vagina hat, in exchange for living under communism.  Nobody is that altruistic.

Millennials are clueless that most of the things in life they enjoy are not the result of socialism, but the result of capitalism; Europe and its Nordic states they would like to emulate are not socialist, they have capitalist economies, people and corporations pay heavy taxes which allows the government to be very generous with welfare and socialized medicine.  And America foolishly provides them with military protection thus indirectly enabling such government largesse in social services in a welfare state where young people can spend many years in college trying to find themselves.

The reality of socialism is that everything is controlled by the Communist Party

The reality of socialism is that everything is controlled by the Communist Party that directs the means of production and distribution and enforces everything daily through political tyranny.
Socialist groups and activists have exploded around the country helped by the mainstream media and bolstered by the win of AOC. Lee Edwards wrote for the Heritage Foundation, “On the road to socialism, DSA [Democratic Socialists of America] and its fellow socialists will seek to convert industries like health care into public utilities; regulate coal mines out of existence; subsidize sectors of the economy like solar energy; and operate corporations like Amtrak and Freddie Mac. They will represent socialism as the responsible alternative to the unchecked greed of the captains of capitalism.”
As many survivors of socialism will attest, socialism has never worked anywhere it has been tried. 
 Karl Marx was a socialist atheist bum whose socialist philosophy killed over 100 million people.
Socialism prohibited private property through the “dictatorship of the proletariat” enforced through armed heavy police control, barbed wired borders, and a disarmed and hungry populace, forced to stand in food lines daily in order to survive, and spied upon by their friends, relatives, and neighbors, all on the payroll of the Communist Party.
Marx considered religion as the “opiate of the masses” and all his followers terrorized churches and churchgoers. Churches were closed, priests jailed, killed, nuns were raped, all part of the class-cleansing.
Millennials were asleep or absent in history classes. If they did attend class, the textbook was the progressive revisionist version of history written by Howard Zinn in 1980, a text widely adopted around schools in America. 

As a survivor of the Communist Party’s Socialism, we had to submit to many freedom-robbing demands from the rabid socialists. As students, we had matriculation numbers sewn onto our uniforms and onto our coat sleeves in winter. If we misbehaved or said anything deemed anti-government in public, we were reported to the principal. Without recourse or evidence, just based on hearsay, we were punished, suspended, and our parents were criticized, insulted, and threatened in front of the entire school body. We also received a bad grade for behavior (an actual subject all the way through high school). If the offense was deemed severe, the guilty was sent to juvenile re-education. Sadly, this practice is still observed in communist China.

Healthcare was not free under Castro’s socialism. Sanders and his followers do not understand basic socialist economics, the “free” healthcare was paid by people through forced distribution of wages and labor. Additionally, many Cubans will tell you that, before Castro, they already had free education and healthcare via private resources.

“Mr. Sanders still flunks Cuban literacy 101. Before the 1959 revolution, some 80% of Cuba could read. …  Cuba has gone from being one of the more advanced countries in the region in the mid-1950s to one of the most impoverished, and the reason is its economic socialism and political tyranny.”

People don’t leave behind their families and everything they know and love, they are not just some idyllic socialists escaping Fidel Castro’s literacy propaganda program, free lousy healthcare, free housing in decaying buildings with chipped paint and oozing concrete from years of neglect, and free college in scientific socialism degrees. They are people escaping a totalitarian state. I don’t see any Americans escaping by rickety boats, crossing 90 miles of treacherous sea to Cuba.

Millennials think they want socialism because it would solve all their social and financial problems, real and imagined, but they should be very careful what they wish for, they just might get it.

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