Tuesday, October 15, 2024

World Leaders Commit To An Agenda That Lays The Foundation For New ‘Global Governance’

World Leaders Commit To An Agenda That Lays The Foundation For New ‘Global Governance’

On September 22nd, world leaders met at the UN Headquarters in New York City. The result was the adoption of the “Pact for the Future,” which lays the final pieces for their “New World Order.”

The “Pact for the Future” is a 56-page document that our leaders just committed us to. The centerpiece of this agreement is designed to “steer humanity on a new course.” This is a global agenda that literally covers just about every aspect of daily life. 

The UN describes the Pact as a “landmark declaration” pledging action towards an improved world for tomorrow’s generations. The agreement adopted by 193 members includes a pledge to move faster towards achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement commitments on climate change.

Seven Countries Oppose

This game-changing “Pact for the Future” was overwhelmingly approved except for a small group of seven countries that tried but failed to pass a last-minute amendment. Why was there opposition, and who opposed it? Russia, Iran, North Korea, Belarus, Syria, and Nicaragua introduced a last-minute amendment to the draft, which revolved around the role of external entities having a say in their domestic affairs. In short, these countries do not want outside influences dictating what they have to do inside their borders. With their amendment failing, Russia responded by saying they would “distance themselves from this document.”

You would think an agreement of this magnitude would be the lead on every news broadcast and headline across the globe. However, this news was pretty much ignored by the Mainstream Media, especially here in the West. Most people I have asked have never heard of the “Pact for the Future,” which is interesting because, with this lack of knowledge, there was very little concern about whether or not we should commit to an agenda that lays the foundation for a “New World Order.”

Global Digital Compact

On September 22, 2024, the United Nations posted this announcement on its website: “World leaders today adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations.

Time out! What is the Global Digital Compact? Reading directly from the UN website, this Global Digital Compact (GDC) will:

  • Close all digital divides and deliver an inclusive digital economy
  • Connect all people, schools, and hospitals to the Internet
  • Make digital technologies more accessible and affordable to everyone, including in diverse languages and formats
  • Build an inclusive, open, safe, and secure digital space
  • Promote and facilitate access to independent, fact-based, and timely information to counter mis- and disinformation
  • Establish an international panel on AI and a global AI policy
  • The GDC calls for leveraging digital innovations to advance the Sustainable Development Goals.

Deliver an Inclusive Digital Economy

Did you catch some of those keywords? They are going to “deliver an inclusive digital economy.” They are going to connect ALL people, kids (schools), and hospitals (which will be your personal medical records) together on the Internet. They will facilitate access to information, control misinformation and disinformation, and prevent it from getting out. Which means they will censor ANYONE who disagrees with their agenda.

They are going to create an international panel to form a global AI policy, which means they will use AI to control everyone globally! This agreement will advance their Sustainable Development Goals, which means ESG scores, 15-minute cities, electric vehicles, digital IDs, and digital currency will all be fast-tracked globally.

Combatting Digital Misinformation

This document says they will be “combatting digital mi.sinformation: Governments and tech companies must work together to combat misinformation, hate speech, and cybercrime through regulations, transparency mandates, and real-time monitoring systems.”

Question: What will be considered hate speech? Answer: Anything that takes a Biblical stance, especially anything concerning marriage and gender.

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