Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Tyranny and War Strategies

World Tyranny and Its War Strategies
Peter Koenig

With a little research and a clear-thinking head, you will find that all major geopolitical, socioeconomic events are not just haphazardly occurring side by side or in certain sequences, they are all linked up throughout the world. So, connecting the dots, you will see that we are living in a well-orchestrated web, where all makes sense – for those who are in command of the web — and to the detriment of the vast bulk of populations.

There is a tiny-tiny elite behind the web, pretending to have all the power, only because we believe all the lies from our government and institutional so-called authorities, dictated to them by this elite.

We have been taught in school to trust in authority and to obey authorities. It is a difficult axiom to break. 

The constant drill of the mainstream media assures a steady drop-by-drop indoctrination of lies becoming the truth. 

Our societal behavior is based on our perception. The perceptions are based on the messages we receive. The Global Cult that pretends to control us, formulates the messages as lies, to make us believe there is a problem, the people react, then they can present, or impose us a solution....corralling of the world population into ever smaller spaces under the pretext of “climate change” that requires a “net-zero” CO2 world, no travel, no industry, promoting the “15-minute cities”. It is absurd. 

And all this while they – the self-declared masters of the universe – namely the financial establishment know very well that CO2 is a life essential gas; without which there would be no life, no plants, no food, no economic development — no-nothing.

But the believers in authority follow the masters’ orders and practically commit suicide by following and obeying a lie, attempting the reduction to zero of CO2. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great assessment in this Article in my opinion. Many folks IMO are coming to the exact same conclusions! So if evil had anything to do with weather manipulation, prayers for divine intervention, for good to overcome evil, IMO!
Miracles happen, prayers a miracle happens, and the
state of Florida will not have anything, it will all but dissipate, least be milder perhaps!!