Wednesday, October 9, 2024

‘The Die Has Been Cast’: There is No Going Back From What Iran Set Into Motion On October 7th

‘The Die Has Been Cast’: There is No Going Back From What Iran Set Into Motion On October 7th

The origin of cultural idioms is an interesting study. Take, for instance, the phrase “The elephant in the room.” The phrase is of American origin, possibly as recently as the 1950s. It has come to refer to any subject that requires a conversation but one that is being avoided by all parties with an interest in said conversation.

Likewise is the idiom, “The die has been cast.” According to one researcher, this phrase was first spoken by Julius Caesar when crossing the Rubicon. The first known usage of the phrase in print goes back to 1626 and Sir Thomas Herbert. The “die” in this phrase is not referring to the modern-day process of die-casting metal. Instead, the “die” is the singular of dice, and therefore, the phrase means “the dice have been rolled.” In other words, once the dice have been rolled, there is no turning back.

I thought of this latter phrase in relation to the first anniversary of the barbaric, murderous, depraved actions of the Islamic terror group Hamas toward the nation of Israel and the Jewish people on October 7, 2023. No amount of obfuscation, misdirection, political double-speak, or demonic moralizing can excuse what took place on that day. This is not how civilized people conduct their affairs. Sometimes war is inevitable, but in those instances, there is a formal declaration after efforts have been made to avoid it. Americans especially should be sensitive to this after December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001.

Yet, without warning, Iran’s terrorist proxy Hamas, in a well-planned surprise attack, murdered, raped, and assaulted civilians, taking captive hundreds of innocent people. This was not a declaration of war; this was a declaration that when uncivilized people are propagandized long enough, they become the willing tools of demonic barbarian slaughter.

There was great celebration throughout the Shia Muslim world at the devastation rendered to what Shia Muslims refer to as the “little Satan,” Israel. The atrocity inflicted upon the Jewish people on October 7, 2023, was seen by a jubilant Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthi Shia Muslims as a blessing from “Allah” and surely a sign of his granting a forthcoming victory over all Jews. At long last, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” was within grasp.

No one knows, except the ayatollah’s themselves, what the desired outcome of their barbaric invasion was. One thing is for certain: neither Iran nor any of its aforementioned proxies understood that pushing Israel to the degree that they did would result in an all-out war. We can be certain about this because, for all of their bluster and saber-rattling, Iran has been exposed as a “paper tiger” with neither the means nor the will to enter into a direct military conflict with Israel.

Along the way, the “elephant in the room” conversations are now taking place. Terrorist sympathizers are being exposed at the highest levels of government in the US, UK, France, and elsewhere. Their repeated calls for restraint on Israel’s part and a continual call upon Israel to accept a cease-fire exposes them as cowards in the least and radical Islamist mouthpieces that are not worthy of office.

This kind of behavior and moral blindness by elected representatives is not a mere disagreement over policy. Their support of Iran terrorism through Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and every other group around the world shows a fundamental lack of understanding about what makes us all human beings. There is no scenario where rape as part of an ideology, murdering babies, infants, and toddlers in their cribs, defenseless old men and women in the streets, and taking captive hundreds of people and subjecting them to the worse imaginable treatment for over a year is acceptable. And yet, that is the argument being advanced by Islamists and their sympathizers.


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