Sunday, October 13, 2024

Biometric National IDs Are Here

Biometric National IDs Are Here
Dr. David Bowen

As someone who speaks and teaches Bible prophecy, I find questions about Revelation 13 and the Mark of the Beast somewhat common. I explain that the Mark of the Beast will not happen until the Tribulation time, and believers today will not be here to experience that system of control. However, the Antichrist will not create or establish the systems used to control humanity in the last days. Everything he will need to rule the world with technology will be in place before he arrives on the world stage. With that said, believers today, although they won’t be faced with taking the Mark of the Beast, may experience some of the pains involved in setting up that Antichrist system. For example, the world is moving quickly into the mandatory Biometric National ID stage.

Mandatory nationwide identification systems have been implemented in several countries, including Argentina, Belgium, Colombia, Germany, Italy, Peru, and Spain. In these countries, individuals are assigned an ID number. Large amounts of personal data such as birth name, maiden name, place and date of birth, parents and sibling names, gender, eye color, height, current and past address, and employment and educational history, as well as your banking information and your complete medical history, can all be linked to this ID number and stored in a centralized database.

National ID cards and the databases behind them are designed to be the cornerstone of government surveillance systems that threaten personal privacy and freedom. The requirement to produce identity cards on demand forces citizens to participate in their own surveillance and ultimate social control. Many countries are now “modernizing” their ID databases to include biometric identifiers that authenticate or verify identity based on physical characteristics such as fingerprints, iris scans, face and palm prints, voice recognition, and, of course, DNA.

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