Monday, October 14, 2024

The Signs Of The Times Are Screaming At Us

Screaming: By Daymond Duck

On Oct. 2, 2024, a reader sent me the following that was written by Christine Darg (author and Co-Founder of

  • Are we not near to the calling up of believers and the beginning of the Great Tribulation?
  • The signs of the times are screaming at us that soon the great shofar of God will sound.

Some of the signs that caused Darg to say this are:

  • Israel is at war.
  • Israel has been attacked by Iran (a Gog and Magog foe).
  • Hurricane Helene has caused mayhem in the USA.
  • The world is trying to deal with biological warfare and plagues.
  • There is worldwide apostasy and persecution of believers.
  • The UN defies God and Israel.
  • The love of many has run cold.

Here are just a few more that I keep writing about:

  • Israel is surrounded by enemies that want to destroy them (Psa. 83:4).
  • Israel has a great military (Ezek. 37:10).
  • The development of technology to track all buying and selling (Rev. 13:16-17).
  • The rise of world government (The New World Order; a borderless world; Rev. 13:8).
  • A departing from the faith (Pope Francis supports the rise of world government and world religion; II Thess. 2:3; Rev. 17-18).
  • The controversy over Jerusalem (Zech. 12:2-3).
  • Efforts to rebuild the Jewish Temple (Matt. 24:15; II Thes. 2:3-4).
  • The Revived Roman Empire has come back into existence (Dan. 9:26).
  • Hyper-inflation and a global economic collapse (Rev. 6:5-6).

1 comment:

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa said...

Perhaps the great deception of the end times is a race of people believing they are the chosen ones. Perhaps this is a test and those who have turned to violence have failed. Perhaps this IS a harvest of souls, but by the evil one. Perhaps Ukraine will shortly become the only safe place in Europe.