Thursday, October 10, 2024

Middle East Update Amir Tsarfati

Middle East Update Amir Tsarfati

But we are in a new phase of our nation. There are no ostriches in our citizenry hiding their heads in the sand to the surrounding threats of our genocidal enemies. We woke up to the echoes of gunfire and realized that the attackers were in our own backyards. That is what has held this nation together through the harshness of the war in Gaza. We’ve done more than any other country in history to try to protect the innocent civilians. But there, undoubtedly, have been many deaths due to Hamas’s soulless habit of using their own population as human shields. Still, our country has kept fighting.

One year in and we’re now fighting on direct fronts. We have the battle in the West Bank that keeps spilling over into individual terrorist attacks. Just yesterday in Hadera, a West Bank Arab went crazy with a knife and stabbed six people, two of them critically, before he was permanently put out of commission. In Gaza, the IDF is pushing the population through the humanitarian area to the south, in order to establish a northern Gaza buffer zone. There will no longer be any terrorists on our southern border.

Bible believers should not be surprised at what they are seeing in the Middle East right now. It fits into God’s prophetic timeline hand-in-glove. Iran needs to be beaten down so that they won’t trust their proxies anymore. That is what will turn them to a stronger coalition made up of Russia, Turkey, and some African countries. United together, they will attack Israel. When they do, it will not be the IDF or the prime minister or America who will fight the battle. It will be the Lord of Hosts, and it will be a supernatural victory that God will win for us. The people of Israel will be astonished and will begin looking for the Messiah. That’s when a new leader will arise who will be strong and wise enough to work out a deal for a new temple. The Jewish people will flock to him and celebrate him, at least until he demands that he be worshipped as a God. Panic will arise among many, and a number of the Jews will flee to a place that God has prepared for them until the time of that antichrist is over. It is then they will see Jesus returning with His church. They will recognize Him as the one that their ancestors pierced, they will mourn for Him and what they did to Him, and they will repent and receive Him one by one as their Messiah. That, my dear friends, is what the Bible says is in store for Israel.

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