Thursday, October 10, 2024

Climate Change Holy War

Climate change has become a Holy War

The following article is taken from Jack King’s No 1 bestselling book `Net Zero will destroy you and everything you care about’.

The drive towards Net Zero is fuelled entirely by the man-made scaremongering threats which have been devised around the climate change myth; it is based on a delicately balanced raft of pseudoscientific evidence and fake news material which are used by professional propagandists and skilled conspirators to sustain the notion that the use of fossil fuels is threatening our world and our very existence.

The theory is that man-made climate change is caused by our use of fossil fuels and that it threatens the survival of the Earth and of mankind. The principle behind Net Zero is that we can stop the alleged climate change process by dramatically reducing or halting our use of fossil fuels.

The flaw in this neat, fashionable, fraudulent and surprisingly popular theory is that there isn’t a shred of evidence to show that climate change is real, or that any fluctuations in our weather are a result of the burning fossil fuels rather than the sort of natural changes which have always occurred.

The myth the conspirators have created has been propagated and distributed with absurd enthusiasm by small but vocal teams of compliant and easily led enthusiasts, most of whom almost certainly believe that the lies they have been told are the truth and that if we do not make substantive changes to our way of life then we have no future. They’ve been taught that the seas will boil and rise up to engulf the land, that life as we have known it will become impossible and the human race will be doomed. They have been taught, and have believed, that the threat is existential, though quite what they mean by this is something of a puzzle and, at best, simply nonsense.

As a result of this nonsensical belief, governments around the world now argue that they have no choice but to take drastic action to save us from doom. Aided and abetted by gullible, easily led, virtue signalling leaders of charities, lobby groups, banks and investment groups, action is being taken to halt the use of all fossil fuels and to change every aspect of the way we live.

Without ever putting the facts before the public, without ever asking for public approval and without ever allowing public debate, government departments, lobby groups and propaganda groups purporting to represent investors have forced through a smorgasbord of oppressive, expensive, damaging, restrictive and critical proposals.

The Supreme Court in the UK has ruled that a local council should have considered the climate impact of burning oil before allowing new wells to be drilled. This will put all future oil and gas projects in doubt both in the UK and in the EU. A Swiss woman won a victory at the European Court of Human Rights to force Switzerland to do more to deal with the myth of climate change. This is all insanity.

And as we in the West are encouraged by the lunatics to condemn fossil fuels, no one is allowed to mention that 84% of global energy comes from fossil fuels. (That is just 2% less than in 1973, by the way.) Without oil and gas, we would have to survive on 16% of the energy we use now. Oh, and you can’t make fertiliser or fly planes with solar power or ugly, energy-munching, bird-crunching windmills.


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