Monday, August 1, 2022

World Government Accelerated

World Government Accelerated

Daymond Duck

Concerning world government: on July 19, 2022, UN Sec.-Gen. Guterres and WEF founder Klaus Schwab witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to form a strategic partnership and to accelerate the “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

The UN and WEF have agreed to cooperate on fast-tracking world government.

It is important that God can slow down or delay world government, or He can also accelerate it if He wants.

The acceleration of world government is good news for many that are concerned about inflation, food shortages, nuclear war, etc., but it is bad news for those that are not saved.

Here are more stories that made the news in the last few days.

One, concerning world government: on July 26, 2022, The Washington Standard published an article by award-winning international journalist Alex Newman, titled “UN & World Economic Forum Behind Global ‘War On Farmers.’”

Newman’s article contains more information than I want to discuss here, but it is extremely important, and I recommend it to those that are interested.

In my words, here are some of Newman’s insights on current events:

>The UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are jointly pushing the nations to implement the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and if they are not stopped, their policies will lead to “economic devastation, shortages of critical goods, widespread famine, and a dramatic loss of individual freedoms.”

>These problems are already impacting millions of people, and they will worsen in the coming weeks and months.

>Resistance to this globalist agenda is growing in some parts of the world, but government officials are cracking down on their citizens instead of trying to solve their complaints.

>The real agenda is not to help people or to save the planet from climate change; the real goal is to reduce the sovereignty of people and nations and to bring everyone on earth under the rule of a world government.

>Globalist leaders believe they can gain control over people and nations by gaining control over their food and energy.

>They are not concerned about food and energy shortages because they believe they have the wealth and means to protect themselves from the shortages they are creating.

>Global control is why small businesspeople, farmers, ranchers, and workers are being squeezed out and made poorer all over the world.

>This is behind the statement that “You will own nothing and be happy.”

Two, on Oct. 8, 2018, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a Special Report on Global Warming that said the world had 12 years (until 2030) to limit the rise in global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius and prevent a multitude of disasters (health issues, food shortages, economic problems, etc.).

Three, on July 19, 2022, the head of the WEF, Klaus Schwab, and the Premier of China, Li Keqiang, held a virtual meeting applauding their cooperation and pledging to work together on climate change, industrial transformation, and social equity in the future.

Critics are concerned that China’s Social Credit Score system will be integrated into the New World Order and be used to determine who can buy and sell, where people live, where their children attend school, and more.

Four, on July 23, 2022, it was reported that the WEF has published a paper calling for an end to private car ownership.

As the WEF sees it, there are too many vehicles in the world, and it takes too much metal and other materials to build them.

Forcing people to share vehicles, ride buses, walk, work from home, etc., will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save the planet from climate change.

Klaus Schwab and some like him believe the world needs to transition from product purchasing (ownership of vehicles) to more efficient usership (renting, sharing vehicles, etc.).

(FYI: It is more than ending the ownership of vehicles. The WEF says you will own nothing and be happy. It sounds like they want your clothes too.)


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