Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Update: Saudi Prince Offers Glimpse Of $500 Billion Dystopian 'Smart City Of The Future'

UPDATE: Saudi Prince Offers Glimpse of Dazzling $500 Billion ‘Smart City of the Future’ Where You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has a new pet project he’d like you to know about, and maybe even invest in.

It’s a “city of the future” that has been tried with limited success in Communist China, as well as in cities within the nations of Canada, South Korea, Spain, and Singapore.

Welcome to “The Line.”

It’s a so-called “smart city” built on a 100 mile “line” capable of housing 9 million people.

On the project website, the Crown Prince touts The Line, also called Neom, as a place where there will be:

“No roads, cars or emissions, it will run on 100% renewable energy and 95% of land will be preserved for nature. People’s health and wellbeing will be prioritized over transportation and infrastructure, unlike traditional cities.”

All travel will take place in this city via high-speed rail, with an end-to-end transit of 20 minutes. And if you wish to travel outside of that parameter? I guess you’re out of luck. Maybe it will work out for you if you know someone important and your social credit score is within the acceptable range. If your score is too low, you won’t even be allowed on the government-provided mass transit and you’re condemned to a life within the four walls of your home.

Check out the 3-minute video below describing the Saudi royal highness’s idea of the perfect city, a virtual utopia in the making.

Residents of this city will live in a dystopian world of total surveillance with sensors, cameras, facial-recognition software and biometric ID scanners built right into the grid. The Saudi Crown Prince estimates the cost of developing the city of Neom at $500 billion.

The Crown Prince has designed the city to deliver on all of the 17 sustainability goals cooked up by the United Nations Agenda 2030, which was approved in September 2015 by the heads of state of almost every nation in the world. We the people never voted for this “sustainable” way of life but our leaders committed us to it anyway.

Different countries will deliver us over to this abhorrent lifestyle in different ways

While Saudi Arabia is attempting to deliver it writ large, in the grandest of fashion, Joe Biden’s administrative state will deliver it piecemeal with the support of both major political parties.

Biden’s trillion dollar climate-change bill that Senator Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia, caved on last week, incorporates many of the same themes as what you see in the Saudi Crown Prince’s advanced smart city – net zero carbon emissions, a total reliance on renewable energy, technology-driven surveillance of all human activity, and a rejection of private land ownership. All resources are tightly controlled by the government and its corporate partners.

Every major U.S. city and most smaller cities are moving in this direction, minus the fanfare of the Saudi project. With each federal grant that your city accepts, it inches closer to the smart city concept you see in the above video. For example, even cities unable to totally redesign themselves into a vertical “line” will move toward the concept of “no roads and no automobiles.”

The International Energy Agency has already been recommending that cities worldwide adopt a policy of mandatory “car free Sundays” where people are not allowed to drive anywhere one day per week.

And the World Economic Forum put out a policy paper on July 18 that removes all doubt as to where this influential globalist organization is trying to take the world. The WEF now openly calls for an end to private vehicle ownership.

This is the way of life that awaits us on the other side of the Great Reset and “build back better,” where we’ve been told by the WEF that we will own nothing, have no privacy, but we will learn to like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now, IMO, this insanity by this Saudi Prince seems to parallel with the series both in Divergent books and Divergent movies about "Divergent", stated that: In Divergent, society is organized by faction.

Doesn't end well, nah, lets allow mankind to enjoy all the Earth has to offer within those limits of limitations only by oneself. Limitations due to other factors, not due to controlled environment of OUR resources, land, food, cars, etc., from an on purpose agenda implemented by super rich narcissistic delusional brain cells, IMO!

We all have pet projects, tis IMO the majority of American's, other countries included, have a project where we keep those with more money than brains out of our lives, businesses, Nation, the world, etc.. They all that seek to rule this Earth of plenty, always probably ran us behind the curtains, now they crossed the line into insanity, IMO! Like in Divergent, can we never go back to what was, because the fractured system is being widen, and the life once lived, has been damaged, broken, and separated from what was?

It will be made better by good folks, or worse by continued insanity, right? Nice to know one day God will make right our eternal lives from those whom wrong us now! Meanwhile, whats the plan everyone? Think how we would like seeing $500 Billion spent, none of present crisis happening for one thing, pray Prince changes his mind, why not? What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?