Coercive covid-19 lockdown measures, vaccine mandates, the transition to green energy, and poorly thought out Western sanctions against Russia have all played significant roles in disrupting global food markets and supply chains. In May 2022, data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization indicated that, relative to twelve months ago, "international wheat prices have increased 56 percent," "cereal prices are up nearly 30 percent," and "vegetable oils are 45 percent higher."
The World Bank expects many people to be pushed into extreme poverty and to experience food insecurity on account of higher prices for both food and farm inputs, particularly in nations that import most of their needs in these areas. More specifically, it notes that "the war in Ukraine has altered global patterns of trade, production, and consumption of commodities in ways that will keep prices at historically high levels through the end of 2024 exacerbating food insecurity and inflation." Meanwhile, Bayer, "an international chemicals, agricultural and healthcare group," projects that "food insecurity will affect up to 1.9 billion people by November 2022—mainly caused by the war in Ukraine and further accelerated by climate change and COVID-19," which could possibly lead to a "hurricane of hunger."
In May, the World Economic Forum (WEF) issued a press release stating that "there is a risk that short-term efforts to combat food shortages could come at the expense of meeting climate and sustainability targets given the interconnection between agriculture and climate change. Global food production contributes more than a third of greenhouse gas emissions, and efforts to ramp up food supply could worsen emissions and reliance on fossil fuels." The WEF does not support efforts to find immediate solutions to the current food crisis; rather, it is focusing on making radical changes to food production and human beings' consumption habits over the coming decades. In 2018, the WEF pointed out that
feeding the world in 2050 will require a 70 percent increase in overall food production because of population growth and changes in consumption driven by an expanding middle class, with demand for red meat and dairy products increasing by up to 80 percent. Every opportunity presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution must be used to realize a global food production system that can address challenges with limited environmental impact.
That shows that transforming the food industry was already among the main items on the WEF's agenda prior to the emergence of covid-19 and the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine. This became further apparent in June 2020, only three months after the pandemic was declared and well before there were any indications of an impending food crisis: the WEF webpage already stated that "COVID-19 reveals a strong and urgent need for representatives of all sectors of the economy to come together and engage in a dialogue to plan what a post-pandemic food system will look like."
The WEF has expressed its commitment to "helping define the agriculture industry agenda" and is calling for a transition to new alternatives to help "feed an expanding populace," such as "Impossible Foods, Just and Beyond Meat," all of which are "plant-based products" that attempt to imitate "the sensory profile of meat." It is also promoting the greater utilization of "cultured meat" produced in laboratories. More precisely, the WEF envisages "the use of biotechnologies to engineer tissues from cell culture for end-product application, such as meat, or the use of cells/microorganisms as a 'factory' to produce fats and/or proteins that make up an end food product, such as eggs and milk." Additionally, it supports the use of "a technique that enables scientists to hack into genomes, make precise incisions, and insert desired traits into plants."
The WEF is also promoting edible insects, including ants, bees, beetles, caterpillars, crickets, dragonflies, grasshoppers, earthworms, leafhoppers, termites, and locusts, as an alternative food source that would consume "fewer resources than traditional livestock" and emit "less harmful gas than more mainstream farm animals." In 2018, the WEF stated that "from the farmer's point of view, raising insects is going to be radically different from raising sheep, pigs, or cattle," as there will be "no more coping with mud, muck and filth." Meanwhile, the "consumption of insects can offset climate change" by reducing people's "carbon footprint in food consumption."
Interesting article, But the end game (stainable planet) seems to be make each country naturally sustainable, This means some countries are overpopulated and some are ok. Therefore exports are bad, fertilizers are bad, irrigation is bad and mass food production is bad, of course pollution is bad. If a country cannot sustain its population or feeds too many people it has to go. Ukraine feeds too many people. Africa will starve without imports. Australia pumps all of its drinkable water and irrigates all of its crops, they will need to halve the population. They are not concerned with eating meat, it just has to be organic and sustainable.
If you look at all the evidence everything points to this as the desired outcome. I cannot understand why people are still writing articles that go nowhere.
P.S. Thanks for helping and getting the shot.
HUH? Globally it's reputed that specialized Tractor's are still being ordered, Farmers are still farming, retired farmers are renting out land for farming, and it best stay this way, in my opinion! Now to save the soil, wouldn't it be wonderful if we use organic sprays, and fertilizers to stop soil loss of minerals/erosion? It's out there, especially in India.
Organic applications for meeting our needs is a work in progress to make this happen realizing to sustain crops in weather compromising conditions it's now easier to spray with chemicals; We must demand plentiful supplies therefore of Organic Sprays/Fertilizers, IMO! An example, India has such trees that produces organic sprays and fertilizer as reputed! If managed well, there is enough food on this planet for everyone, yet now this simple given food chain is purposely being choked off by Tyrants of said countries and the likes of WEF Agenda's as reputed.
Choke off them that dare snare mankind's food supplies, let them eat "Bugs", right? All the pushed saving resource mantra's are saving nothing, hust causing more money, harm, BS than necessary, IMO! Gas? Miro-managing for this Green BS has gone too far, mankind must reel in stupid from those clowns Agenda's, IMO! No one cares what the WEF states, pr stated about this nonsense IMO!
Hey if gets mere survival, fruits, canned vegetables, and for meat many people would eat fish, squirrel, rabbits, deer, wild boar, quail, ducks, turtles, frogs, berries, raccoons, snakes, any sheep, piggies, cattle around, and even mice, cats, horses, would come before bugs, IMO! So, guess what, this WEF bugs us, right? Sustainability is to stop the extreme push for Green Deal/Climate Change Madness and those behind it, rid selves of non-elected mouthpieces with their money and boredom, IMO! They remind us of Elizabeth Holmes fake blood test Theranos scam, IMO! Balance is necessary in life but messing with food consumption, seriously?
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