Friday, August 12, 2022

The False Religion Of Global Warming/Climate Change

Zealous Climate Activism Is a False Religion… With Its Own False Prophets

How long do we have left before doomsday scenarios begin to play out? Well, that depends on who you ask. A recent article highlighted several answers from prominent politicians and activists who argue we must take “immediate action” or crisis will arise by 2030; the “Climate Clock” says we must make drastic changes by 2029; Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in 2019 that the world would end in twelve years; and still others say “the planet is dying” and we just have a few years left.

But, as the article points out,

Advocates of combating climate change are increasingly invoking doomsday scenarios to pressure President Biden to take unilateral action to lower greenhouse gas emissions, despite a history of such claims falling flat. [emphasis added]

The “doom and gloom” claims of the past simply haven’t come to be. (I’m old enough to remember when global cooling was the perceived threat, and then it was global warming, and now it’s just climate change!) For example, Al Gore predicted the North Pole would likely be ice free for at least part of the summer by 2013. That has yet to happen.

Really, this zealous climate activism is a false religion with false prophets. 

gThese activists and scientists have no idea what is really happening or what is going to happen. And they ignore much of the history concerning climate data. That’s why the predictions are constantly wrong! They have the wrong starting point (man’s word) and the wrong history (evolution and millions of years), so they come to wrong conclusions about the future.

This false religion is inconsistent because, from their secular perspective, when these people die, they’re done. That’s it; they won’t exist anymore. Eventually everyone dies and ceases to exist, and someday even the universe dies. So, life is ultimately purposeless and meaningless—so why even care?

Well, it’s ultimately all about them being their own god and worshipping themselves and the creation, rather than the Creator (see Romans chapter 1). It’s their religion as they attempt to make some supposed “purpose” for themselves in their (self-inflicted) meaningless existence. It’s what happens when people worship the creature rather than the Creator.

But we don’t need to wail and bemoan the future. The only true Creator has promised, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).

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