Thursday, August 18, 2022

Prophecy Looms Large On The Horizon: A Review Of Where We Are

Prophecy Looms Large on the Horizon

Dave Hubley

Having been very diligent at studying God’s Prophetic Word for the last 28 or so years, I would sometimes note that it has, by and large, been sort of “there.”

After a fashion, you could almost use that old analogy of the “elephant in the room.”

What do I mean by that?

At one time the study of eschatology involved things that progressed somewhat slowly (but not insignificantly) and, with the exception of major milestones like:

  • The first Advent of Jesus and related events
  • The rebirth of the State of Israel

Prophecy seemed to plod along with these stimulating events only occurring on occasion when they would provide a noticeable burst of energy among some who study the prophetic events.

In the last few decades, we would see advances (perceived sometimes) in the formulation of the Russia/Iran/Turkey, etc., Ezekiel 38/39 alliance. The undulating progress of these events meant that we had to be patient – but alert nonetheless.

The pulsating status of the Psalm 83 nations served as another example of patient but sober observation. Some would and have argued that this attack has already occurred in the past. I would agree. It has. The ongoing, unabated hatred of the Jews has seen to that. And that fact means I also believe it’s going to happen again. Hatred of the Jews is still quite alive and active. And dangerous to those who embrace it.

Those of us who study prophecy understand the principle of dual-fulfillment well and so are not quite ready to dismiss this event as having been fulfilled in its entirety.

After a time, things sort of “calm down,” and those of us who were undeterred by what seemed to be “lulls in the action” would continue to “watch” as the Lord Jesus told us to do.

“Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming” (Matthew 24:42).

The rest of the body of Christ, at least those who had taken note, would typically go back into their everyday life routines and essentially “tune out” prophetic developments. This is, by no means, to be taken as a derogatory attitude toward my brothers and sisters. It’s just the way things have been in the past (maybe not so much now, however).

While there is a cadre of Christian believers who ignore, or even fear, future events (and there are many of these), I believe that number is shrinking. It is becoming more and more obvious that “something is up.”World events are literally shouting from the rooftops as events are actively lining up with what the Word of God has been proclaiming for centuries. What would once have gone by “under the radar” have become daily events that are affecting every single aspect of everyday life. It now requires a conscious effort to ignore them!

The USA is not specifically (or maybe even vaguely) mentioned in prophecy. That alone is a huge red flag, especially considering that we are a leading example of godless, sin-saturated worldly “kingdoms” rife with the components of the list below, yet currently, at least, still the most powerful example of worldly “power.” That will change.

Here are a few examples:

Technology progressing (or perhaps digressing in terms of how it is being used).

Wars and rumors of wars.

Nation (ethnic group) rising against nation.

Kingdoms (political entities) rising against kingdoms.

The love of most waxing cold, resulting in the devaluation of human life.

The insistence that physical and biological impossibilities are nonetheless true.

The complete lack of Truth in much of everyday life.

Open adoption of anything and everything that is against God’s created order.

The inexplicable adoption of lies and impossibilities by corporations that have and are still resulting in their destruction. Corporate suicide? Power madness?

The ever-growing evidence of engineered worldwide famine on the near horizon.

The worldwide monetary system that is staggering around like a drunken man yet hasn’t collapsed yet.

The “climate change” sucker play.

The lunacy of halting CO2 emissions (which plants breathe in so they can expel oxygen that animals (including humans, I might point out) need to breathe!

Open worship/celebration of Satan and other occult practices.

Children being exploited and cast aside like worthless obstacles or instruments of convenience. This one should inspire fear and trembling in the hearts of humans. “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2).

This short list is by no means complete. Every single day the degradation of humankind is being purposely executed, and the lie that most people are in support of it is being portrayed as “truth.” I believe “most” people do not want these “things,” but the power is now in the hands of those who do, and they are running with it. Insanity.

I have always interpreted as prophecy this verse from Isaiah 5:20):

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

These “Woe’s” have only been waiting for the right point in history to become actively executed future prophecy, or as we might otherwise call it: history (Rev 8:13).

The stage is not just being set; that would not be quite so obvious because the curtain would still be closed. Instead, the curtain has now been tossed aside, and evil confidently marches openly in the streets and institutions of the entire world!

Bible prophecy is unmistakable in its clear connection and proclamation of these events. It is no longer possible to think of its fulfillment as “in the distant future” or to make long-range life plans without regard to what is clearly advancing like a tsunami.

I am firmly in the camp of the Pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church (the true church), and so I believe the events of the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl judgments of Revelation will occur post-Rapture (if you disagree, then you are welcome to do so). However, that does not, in the slightest, weaken the signs of prophecy that are growing like a huge, darkening storm in immediate view of all.

If you are struggling with the darkness of these days and just want to go Home, I understand. Patience, my brothers and sisters. God will execute on time.

If you are simply not interested in or fearful of prophecy, perhaps you might keep these Words of God in mind: “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near” (Revelation 1:3).

Everyone should want a blessing from God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Roe demise a huge earthly milestone leading up to the rapture. Evil forces currently ginning up and looking for a messianic figure to lead them in persecution of Christians. In this case post rapture 666 persecuting Tribulation saints.