With the news that just in order to survive, many Americans are racking up credit card balances just to pay for everyday expenses, with gas and food prices at historically high levels, we have entered yet another stage of the Biden recession, despite the Biden's regime's denials.
Stores have begun locking up items such as toothpaste, Spam, laundry detergent, not just because of the crime wave hitting American cities, but as the New York Post explains, also because of the rising inflation.
Granted this is happening in states where crime has been running rampant, generally due to the lax enforcement of laws, and the previous insistence on the part of liberals to "defund the police," as well as George Soros backed prosecutors and DAs refusing to prosecute crimes, but the reasons do not change the facts that basic items are under lock and key in more than one state.
For those attempting to rewrite recent history and now claim Democrats never wanted to "defund the police," the proof is in their own words, and those words are all on video.
Recent reports also show that more Americans are going hungry and are forced to utilize food banks just to keep their children fed.
The increase in food insecurity is not about a sudden wave of joblessness as it was when the economy ground to a halt in 2020 in the first wave of the pandemic. It is about inflation — higher prices for housing, gas and especially food. According to the last report on consumer prices, the cost of food increased 10.4 percent from a year earlier, the largest 12-month increase since 1981.Food banks are trying to meet these needs while coping with decreasing donations and, in some cases, increased awareness among people who need help that food banks are an option.Data from the Census Bureau showed that last month, 25 million adults sometimes had not had enough to eat in the previous seven days. That was the greatest number since just before Christmas in 2020, when the pandemic continued to take a high economic toll and the unemployment rate was nearly twice what it is today.
Note: If you have a food bank, or food giveaway near you and you can afford to help, please donate whatever foods or basic necessities that you can afford, so Americans that are going hungry can have a meal.
Data from the Census Bureau showed that last month, 25 million adults sometimes had not had enough to eat in the previous seven days. That was the greatest number since just before Christmas in 2020, when the pandemic continued to take a high economic toll and the unemployment rate was nearly twice what it is today.
The aforementioned news is the reality that millions of Americans are living with right now, present day, and there is no end in sight.
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