Thursday, October 7, 2021

The Globalists 'Reign Of Terror'

World Renowned Psychiatrist: ‘Global Predators’ Fauci, Gates, and Schwab Behind ‘Reign of Terror’

A world renowned psychiatrist says that an evil cabal of powerful elites, including, NIAID Director Anthony Fauci, tech billionaire Bill Gates, and World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab,  created the COVID pandemic to push the deadly vaccines on an unsuspecting public, and usher in a new world order.

In a new book, Dr. Peter Breggin, 85, says we are in the midst of worldwide propaganda campaign designed to make us feel helpless, docile, and obedient.  He laid out in detail what his extensive research into the pandemic has uncovered during an interview on Dr. Joseph Mercola’s podcast, last month. According to psychiatrist, “we are being oppressed by evil people” who are working towards a totalitarian world regime.

Breggin is known as “the conscience of psychiatry” because of his opposition to shock treatment and lobotomies in the 1970s. His campaign against psychosurgery led to reform in the psychiatric profession, including the abolition of lobotomies and other experimental psychosurgeries. Breggin has written more than a dozen bestselling books on psychiatry and the drug industry.

His latest book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators, hit bookstores on September 30.

“Don’t get scared, get angry. Don’t get demoralized. They want that. There’s a whole school of public health that talks about how to intimidate and engender fear to get people to do what you want. It’s called “fear appeal,” he said. “So we have to know that there’s a war against us. They have a stealth was against us. So be proud. Be an American, be a patriot, stand up for liberty.”

The psychiatrist stressed the goal of the globalists is to make people feel weak and helpless in the midst of the pandemic.

“It’s extremely important to get over what essentially is an attempt to make us all feel helpless and obedient and docile, Breggin told Mercola. “We have to know who are the masters driving this. We also need to understand the mechanisms of what is essentially a rein of terror. We’re looking at a revolution against us that wants to make us feel helpless like children again.”

Throughout the interview, Breggin stressed that people should stop wondering why global elites are inflicting harmful and destructive policies on the public.

“In psychotherapy, we often see people who have been terribly, terribly abused by their parents, but they cannot face it. They can’t understand it. They can’t identify it as evil. They can’t say it was evil for my father to sexually abuse me, that it was evil for my mother to participate and go along with it,” he explained.

But it was evil, the psychiatrist said. “It was evil in the extreme when you see people who have been ritually abused,” he said, noting that there are many cases in which families have abused their children “in ritualistic fashion.”

“For the outsider, often, it’s impossible to believe that this even takes place because we human beings just can’t bear to look at evil,” he said. “We can’t bear to think that there are people out to harm us, and manipulate us. We can’t bear to think there are people different from us—people who actually take pleasure in injury and domination—literally pleasure from it, the way we might [take pleasure] from a hug.”

The doctor said that it was important to disabuse people of the notion that the pandemic is a result of bad luck. The terrible state of affairs throughout the globe is not the result of chance, he maintained, stressing that people need to stop questioning why policy makers are making so many counterproductive decisions.

“It’s time to face it and get rid of the idea that this is chance, or crazy, or bizarre, or makes no sense” Breggin said.

“How does it make sense that they’re absolutely ignoring that in America now, we have over 13,000 reports of death (to the CDC) from the vaccine, and no one is investigating it?” he asked.

Breggin pointed out that in past years, if there had been only 200 deaths from all of the vaccines put together, it would have been considered a catastrophe.

“Now we have a vaccine that has more deaths that every other vaccine all put together. So how can we ignore that?” he continued.

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