Thursday, October 7, 2021

Terry James: Fearful Forecasts vs The Blessed Hope

Fearful forecasts/prophetic pronouncements
Terry James

An incendiary heads-up made our Rapture Ready News headlines recently: “Humanity on brink of nuclear annihilation with threat highest for 40 YEARS, UN chief warns in chilling message.”

The story was no less troubling than the headline:

HUMANITY is on the brink of “nuclear annihilation” with the threat reaching its highest boiling point in forty years, a top UN chief has warned.

The nuclear arms race has the globe teetering “unacceptably close” to mass atomic destruction, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the world is on the brink of nuclear annihaltion Credit: Getty

He urged nations that have “stockpiled nearly 14,000 nuclear weapons” to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty to avoid an international crisis.

It comes as wealthy countries continue to show off a string of advanced destructive arms that could result in catastrophic conflict.

He addressed the issue in a powerful tweet pleading with global powers.

“Now is the time to lift the cloud of nuclear conflict for good, eliminate nuclear weapons from our world, and usher in a new era of trust and peace,” he wrote. (Olivia Burke and Aliki Kraterou, News Corp—The Sun, September 29, 2021)

Peace and safety are at the top of the New World Order elite in light of things happening within the ranks of CCP leadership. China is, it seems, to be deliberately creating a war-like atmosphere by sending fighter aircraft over the territorial boundaries of Taiwan. They have apparently flown bombers into airspace claimed by the tiny state that broke away from China, as it was then known as Formosa.

Many observers believe China’s increasing aggression was the result of the weakness displayed by the Biden administration. The militancy has definitely increased significantly since the days when the Trump administration stood staunchly in keeping a strong naval presence in the area of the South China Sea and waters around the area of Taiwan.

The Chinese government is now emboldened to make threats most politically conservative observers believe would never have been made while Donald Trump was commander-in-chief. For example, Beijing’s former ambassador to the UN, Sha Zukang, said China must make the first nuclear strike against the US if Joe Biden continues to defend Taiwan.

This sort of rhetoric has set in motion all sorts of fears among the weak-kneed among the political left and the diplomatic appointees from this and past administrations.

Even considering the fact that China has a much smaller nuclear capability than the US, which has by far the largest nuclear force on earth, there is fear China will initiate a nuclear conflict.

During a meeting of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association in Beijing last week, Sha Zukang said: “The policy not to be the first to use nuclear weapons unconditionally has given China the moral high ground internationally.” But in the next breath, the Chinese say they must reconsider this policy if Biden continues to defend Taiwan against Chinese invasion to take back their rightful territory.

Another worry to those forecasting imminent war that will ignite all-out nuclear warfare are the reports coming out of Iran. Strange things are happening there, and more and more, Israel is suspected by the Israel-hating UN and others as the cause of those strange happenings.

The following news item tells more.

A fire erupted in an IRGC facility in Iran on Sunday leaving two dead and one injured. On Thursday, Tel Aviv-based ImageSat International—ISI, a commercial servicer for satellite images—estimated that the facility was not just any military compound—it was a secret missile base.

ISI reveals: On Monday, 27 September 2021, a mysterious explosion shook western Tehran, Iran. According to ISI intelligence report, the explosion occurred at an IRGC secret missile base of Shahid Hemmat Industrial Group.

It is still unclear why the fire erupted on Sunday.

A series of explosions and fires have hit industrial sites across Iran, including a number of petrochemical plants, in recent months and over the past year.

Iranian officials have referred to most of the cases as incidents or accidents, although some reports have claimed that at least some of them involved foul play.

The aging infrastructure in Iran has also been blamed for at least some of the incidents. Frequent blackouts have plagued Iran recently amid a heatwave. (“Fire in Iran occurred at secret IRGC missile base,” Israeli report by JP staff, Jerusalem Post, September 30, 2021)

It seems that Israel’s IDF and more surreptitious entities within that force might be assisting the Lord in “Restraining” things moving ahead of Heaven’s prophetic schedule for the wrap-up of the Church Age. Our friend Bill Salus has long kept his thumb on the pulse of the developing things in the Middle East and wonders frequently if Israel is about to begin fulfilling prophecies involving that area of ancient Persia—in Elam, for example.

One thing we can be sure of is that there will not be all-out nuclear war this side of the Rapture. China will fulfill its devastating role sometime near the end of the Tribulation, as given in Revelation chapters 9 and 16. The kings of the east force will kill fully one-third of earth’s population at that future time.

There will be no all-out nuclear war between Israel and her enemies, even if there are other conflicts. Prophetic Scripture is quite specific about these conflicts and how they will play out.

So we must, as believers, not listen to the fearful forecasts, but rather to God’s prophetic pronouncements.

This Is the “Blessed Hope”?

Terry James

Most people who profess Christianity as their faith base claim to cling to Bible truth. However, it is my observation that the overwhelming majority within these numbers shows little or no understanding of or interest in the signals of the lateness of the times in terms of Bible prophecy.

This dearth of understanding and even of interest stems, no doubt, from churches and their pastors and teachers having little understanding or even interest. People in the pews, in listening to weekly sermons or Sunday school lessons, it is sad to say, are for the most part satisfied with messages that give them comfort—that make them rest easy from the week’s life problems.

While this wanting to forget one’s problems is understandable, it is not altogether what the Lord wants for His children. As a matter of fact, God’s Word warns about these very days and the dangers posed through the following words of the Apostle Paul:

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (2 Timothy 4:1–4)  

We have witnessed over the years many such “turning to fables” because of “strange winds of doctrine” taught by “teachers” to many with “itching ears.” This includes those “teachers” who have predicted the exact date of the Rapture of the Church.

Paul warned Timothy—and all future preachers, teachers, and people in the seats of learning in the church—to be faithful to teaching and heeding biblical truth, to avoid “vain-jangling” (speaking or listening to nonsense). Paul said further, regarding his own faithfulness by example, as recorded just a couple of verses later:

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. (2 Timothy 4:8)

And the last words recorded here are key to this commentary. The great apostle addresses this to all who “love his appearing.” The “his” here is the Lord Jesus Christ, of course. Paul addresses God’s blessings of a crown of righteousness for all “who love his appearing”—the prophesied Second Coming of Christ.

Those who listen and heed Bible prophecy, and who “love his appearing” (are looking for the Rapture—or for His Second Advent if a Tribulation saint) will receive this special crown. Crowns are above and beyond heavenly rewards, as I understand the terms. This “crown” will be one that those who receive it will cast at the Lord’s feet, as praise to the King of all kings. Jesus will be wearing these crowns of praise when He rides the heavenly steed of glistening white during His return as given in Revelation 19:11.

We go deeper into this and what it means in the following brief, but marvelous, Scripture. It is one we often quote.

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. (Titus 2:13)

We who claim the holy name of Jesus Christ are to be “looking for the blessed hope.” If we earnestly do so, we will avoid the “vain-jangling” and the false teachings of false doctrine.

While false doctrinal teachings are important to avoid—and this is the main kind of falseness Christians are to avoid—there is another sort that the believer must discern and counter.

I read and listen to so many pundits and writers these days who foretell the direst circumstances imaginable for the nation and world. The troubling thing is that these fear-forecasters are at least partially right in their prognostication of evil and destruction among us now and of things to come.

One such blogcaster tells us that a large portion of the world’s populations will be killed soon through the manipulations of the globalists. The would-be world rulers, he is convinced, are using the vaccine-mandate madness to inject “killer shots” in order to bring down populations to the 500 million-people population as written on the Georgia Guidestones monument.

The communist Chinese, we are told, are about to invade the US, after major cyber and even possible nuclear attacks upon military bases within America.

COVID death camps are scattered across the country and will be used to take all who aren’t vaccinated there to be killed as were Jews and other “undesirables” in the death camps of Hitler’s time.

This blogcaster—who is a very intelligent fellow—believes this with all that is within him, I can tell.

He gives the impression that he believes in God and that God is on our side and we will win (as the human race) against the evil about to assault us.

I must say that if he is a true believer, he is one who is listening to false teachers, both in his time under church leaders and in his time putting together his so-called “intelligence” from wherever he gets his information.

The “intelligence” he and others like him are receiving tells only the half-truth of what is to come. The real truth is found in God’s Word, the Bible.

Paul the apostle said all believers are to look for “the blessed hope”—not for a total world dictatorship–Antichrist.

These evil things are about to happen, to be sure, but not for the Christian.

Where is “the blessed hope” in any of the dire predictions?

We are promised “the blessed hope.” We are told by Jesus Himself, as reported by John the Revelator, to be kept out of even the hour of “temptation”—the Tribulation (Revelation 3:10).

Our Blessed Hope is about to break through the clouds of glory and call God’s children to be with Him forever.

Amen! Even so come, Lord Jesus!

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