Thursday, October 14, 2021

Learned Germophobia And Mass Conditioning

Germophobia Is A Mental Illness

How hard can it be to convince billions of otherwise healthy people to wear a mask every time they dare to go outdoors, use public transport, or go shopping in their local mall?

How hard can it possibly be to convince healthy people to perform an invasive nasal RT-PCR test every time they want to get on a plane or submit to routine medical treatment at a hospital?

Zombification of the human species is well under way. Global Elite Master Farmers have perfected the art of domesticating the masses like a herd of cows.

In 2019, it would have been extemely difficult to get anyone to go along with any of the above measures unless they were already suffering from the usual list of modern day ailments. And even then, you would have a hard sell on your hands.

“You mean… I need to wear a mask every time I go shopping and my kids need to wear one for eight hours a day while at school?”

In 2019, this would sound crazy even to the most obedient mindslave. And that’s why the propaganda department had to crank the fear up to 11.

In 2020, that’s exactly what we got. Non-stop terror propaganda streamed directly into every household from the disgustingly sociopathic Mainstream Media companies. They are solely responsible for the extreme level of fear that got the germophobia ball rolling worldwide.

In late 2021, the damaging effects of the media terror campaign are still with us. Many people will never recover. They are now germaphobes for life, permanently damaged, believing all kinds of nonsense about variants and whatever the Globalists have lined up next.

The original Event 201 timeline depicted a series of events that lasted until at least 2025. But nothing is set in stone. Scandinavia, as a whole, is already getting rid of all restrictions. This sets the example for other countries to follow. And wherever governments refuse to drop the abusive mandates, such as vaccine passports, civil disobedience must be exercised otherwise all rights and freedoms will be lost.

People had to be reduced to a pathetic level of subservience before lockdown orders could be issued otherwise they wouldn’t feel the need to follow them.

As a species, we have a long history of believing in superstitions.

Today, people are told that tiny particles floating through the air will infect them and make them ill, and that only a magical potion created by demonstrably untrustworthy corporations will provide the necessary protections.

Anyone not falling for the scam is labelled a “denier”, an “Anti-Vaxxer”, and generally treated like modern day lepers. Anyone that simply expresses doubt towards the official narrative is viewed as dirty, untouchable, and the cause of all our ills.

  • Jumping back from other people if they get too close.
  • Not wanting to shake someones hand.
  • Wiping down surfaces in stores including shopping carts.
  • Immediately donning a mask when another germaphobic zombie breaks the invisible arbitrary boundary set by the government.

These actions would have all been considered extreme in 2019, but now it’s quite common. Maybe a lot of people had underlying tendencies and pre-existing issues. They just needed a trigger, a little push over the edge so they could unleash their full inner germaphobe in public.

Of course, none of the COVID magic spell is actually real. The science behind the mania is false therefore everything that follows is null and void. But people don’t like to feel stupid so it’s going to take a while before they admit they’ve been duped.

What we are witnessing today is scare tactics. The elite need to move the sheep in a certain direction, towards unwittingly accepting the transhuman agenda and away from logic, reason and evidence-based living. Superstition is alive and well and the Elite Master Farmers have created a whole new era of belief in fantastical monsters.

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