Tuesday, December 8, 2020

U.S. Military Air Traffic Quadruples: 'What Does It All Mean?'

US Military Air Traffic Quadruples And Everyone's Wondering Why

Lenora Thompson

Usually there are no more than three military refueling tankers flying over the United States on any given night. I got to ride on one when I was a teen in Civil Air Patrol," he said. "But look! Tonight there are eleven refueling tankers in the air simultaneously. What the hell is going on!?!"

What indeed.

If military air traffic gets your motor going, your go-to guy is "MonkeyWerx" aka "MilSpecOpsMonkey." His profile describes him as a "Christian, Prayer Warrior, For God and Country, USAF Spec Ops Veteran, Texan, Aerospace and Defense Guru" and more specifically, "third generation military veteran who has spent more than thirty years in the aerospace and defense industry working on advanced weapons programs." That's good enough for me.

For the past three years, MonkeyWerx has been following military air traffic above the US, writing about it and making YouTube videos once a week...until now. Now he makes videos almost daily because there's just so damn much going on!

Military air traffic above the continental United States has quadrupled (at least!) since MonkeyWerx started his YouTube channel and he's quick to remind us that's only the air traffic we're allowed to see. The increase can't be simply explained away by bringing our men and women in uniform home from overseas so the question on everyone's lips is, "What the *$&@%!$# is going on!?!"
MonkeyWerx writes, "What does it all mean? I am looking at this from three different possible scenarios:

  1. People involved in the voting fraud are being pursued

  2. Members of the terrorist organization(s) BLM and ANTIFA are being pursued and/or human traffickers

  3. A combination of both."

His 152,700 Twitter followers are the "Digital Soldiers" General Flynn talks about with boots on the ground in every corner of this nation, providing info on what they're observing in their own backyards. Sometimes they even catch photos...when they're phones aren't suddenly and mysteriously disabled from taking pics!

Christy writes, "A flight of C130s is usually an operation, not an exercise."

D. E. Parrish wrote, "The C130s...if they didn't put boots on the ground, they sure pretended to."

Stillpoint Storm Watch wrote, "A friend in LA says there's hundreds of military vehicles along the LA River."

Arctic Blue chimed in with, "Never seen anything like it in twenty four years service. Not even in combat zone."

Suzy Qster reported that, "My daughter lives very close to Nellis [Air Force Base] called me freaking out this morning says there's so many huge planes landing there and shaking her house." So apparently not business as usual at Nellis assuming Suzy's daughter has lived there for awhile.

But others pooh-poohed it as merely the Air Force's Weapons School Integration training (WSINT) "simulating near-peer adversaries such as Russia and China." Drills, drills, drills. Everything can be explained away by drills, drills, drills. Robin Sage training for Special Forces Qualification began on December 4th. WSINT continues through December 10th. But as MonkeyWerx is quick to point out, they seem to have a real affinity to flying to-and-from locations known for being black sites and prisons. Places like "the spa" aka Guantanamo Bay. Michael and I also particularly noticed how thick the aircraft were above states where  election fraud is being hotly contested: Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada.

Remember back on 11/13 when I told you the US had raided and seized servers in Frankfurt, Germany?That article received so many comments saying I was certifiably insane for believing such bunk...until it  became common knowledge.

But it gets even better. Supposedly multiple sources have confirmed that the CIA's Gina Haspel was on-site in Frankfurt during the raid and wounded in the fracas as were, reportedly, five of the good guys. Might be true, might not be true but patriot geeks who are addicted to the flight maps can confirm there was a flight out of Frankfurt to GITMO that day which jives with the rumor that Gina began "singing like a canary" on that flight. The same day, Sidney Powell is reported to have visited Gitmo for two hours via another flight.

See? Flight tracking can be fun! Downright addictive. Gives patriots a way to be personally invested in history as it unfolds.

But if you watch the military air traffic long enough, there are two unavoidable conclusions that keep pushing until your brain feels shoved.

Number One: There may need to be a brief period of Martial Law while the Swamp is drained under the 1807 Insurrection Act.

How do you catch shoplifters? First you let 'em steal, then you catch 'em. (Unless you're my rich Aunt Dotty, then you just let her steal all she wants, ring up what she steals and send the bill to her rich husband. True story!)

How do you catch election thieves? First you let 'em commit fraud, then you catch 'em.

Number Two: We may be preparing for war on our soil. Do you really think China shelled our $400,000,000 to purchase Dominion to ensureJoe Biden became President only to take a casual la-dee-da attitude about their investment when it all came to naught!?! I don't think so but I pray I'm wrong!

Over the past few weeks, record numbers of military aircraft have taken to the skies over the United States. Normally, we see a number in the 250 range but the increase had us in the 1600+ range for several days. It is important to note that the military doesn’t always “squawk” on a transponder we can see, so the numbers are likely much higher.

In addition to this, there has been an uptick in the flight activity for known “farm birds” to black sites (shown in the picture above). Which, historically in the past, this was an indication we were about to see something big hit the news (e.g Epstein, Maxwell, etc). This “surge” however, seems to be continuing on like a never-ending gobstopper. Five aircraft are responsible for nearly 100 flights in just a few weeks.

Combine the two activities, and one could come to the conclusion we are about to see something go down that will certainly be historical in nature.

What does it all mean? I am looking at this from three different possible scenarios:

  1. People involved in the voting fraud are being pursued

  2. Members of the terrorist organization(s) BLM and ANTIFA are being pursued and/or human traffickers

  3. A combination of both

I say this because of several reasons. First and foremost, we know of the Dominion server that was apprehended in Germany just a few days after the election and we know the CIA is heavily involved in this activity. We have also witnessed the DOJ aircraft head to Toronto, Canada - also another home of the Dominion company. In addition to this, we have certain individuals who work for Dominion that have disappeared. Indicating they are either in hiding or they have been taken for a ride on one of our Ops birds. Given the magnitude of the crime, the need for a timely resolution, and this flurry of black site activity butted up against this event, I am inclined to say this is likely scenario #1 we are seeing unfold. However, it doesn’t fully account for the military birds.

That said, I have heard there are over 7000 cyber teams engaged in investigating this crime as well. Question is, are they military assets or civilian? Either way, more than likely they would be flying on a mix of commercial and military aircraft - assuming they are boots on the ground. If it is civilian, then the vast number of military aircraft wouldn’t be connected.

That leads us to look the military aircraft type as the volume we are seeing are primarily what we refer to as “heavies”. Meaning large transport types such as C130, C5 and C17’s. Those are used for several things - troop movements, equipment and supplies. Could this be Operation Warp Speed? Could it be troops being prepositioned for a Trump takedown of the Deep State? Could it be equipment such as Humvee’s and tanks, etc. being sent to forward operating bases in the event of social unrest? Those are the million dollar questions.

Now let’s add another data-point to the mix - Joe 30330 Biden. Where has he been and what’s with the use of the green screens? This appears to be an upscale in-home set-up or maybe a small local theatre. Either way, it certainly comes across as odd. I can’t recall in my life-time a presidential elect candidate laying so low.

This brings us to number two and the terrorist/human traffickers. Rumor has it that Durham is complete with all of his investigations and now we are just awaiting the indictments to be unsealed. We did just see a 700 person human trafficking operation taken down in Florida over the past week; but lets be honest, this has been on-going now for months and as good as it is, it hasn’t required military assets (yet). That again brings me back to numbero uno in terms of the black site traffic increase, but it doesn’t account for the military air traffic increase.

Through the process of elimination, I think what we are seeing is the combo package - supersized. We know the left will complete flip out once Trump doesn’t concede. We know they already have plans to storm the White House and to attack Trump supporters. I think what we are actually witnessing is the ramp up of our US Military (not the National Guard) in preparation for mass civil unrest and our intelligence teams doing a simultaneous shake-down of the treasonous voter fraud perps.

One thing for certain. The weeks to come will indeed shed light on what we are seeing unfold and I think it will be sooner rather than later. Tune into my YouTube updates as things continue to unfold!


Caver said...

Hummmm...this is close to getting weird. Topics / reports some of the fringe sites have been reporting on for months, and most of us dismissed, are suddenly exploding all over the net. Now there's meat on the bones and nobody's snickering anymore. Stories like this are obviously well researched and pilling multiple little oddities together into a scary scenario backed up by solid evidence.

Something comes to mind that seems to have gotten a little dust on it lately.....Its a good time to stop and figure out just precisely what you believe, why you believe it, and how much its worth to you.

Wow! Amazing times.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, ever since we watched over, and over again, all known criminals in Government keep getting away with their crimes, I figured we would see this day as Article described, only wish it had begun sooner!
If you don't have accountability for our Gov. rats running around, they won't stop, they didn't stop, and here we are now trying to corral them! Prayers for the safety of those doing whatever they must do to throw a net over some very powerful and dangerous criminals in high places! it's a balance act too when doing the dance with China Government since they essentially have committed enough wrongs to warrant War, in my opinion! Yes Evil needs dealt with in order to experience a reprieve from Evil being too overwhelming, relentless, and the swamp can be cleaned, needs cleaning about every ten years with Government IMO, or we have overthrowing of our Government succeed as this Biden thing is trying to accomplish; Prayers Trump stays in Office!