Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Facebook 'Ministry Of Truth' Reminiscent Of Goebbels

Facebook to force intellectual submission to coronavirus vaccines, promoting vaccine worship, not critical thinking or individual choice

In the spirit of Joseph Goebbels and the Nazi propaganda ministry of 1933, Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of Facebook) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) have come up with a new plan to enforce worldwide intellectual submission to upcoming coronavirus vaccines.

The Facebook ministry of truth and its network of fact-checkers will now implement algorithms to target, block and limit the reach of any information that does not promote the worship of public health authorities and upcoming coronavirus vaccines. Facebook’s new censorship plan hearkens to the days of antisemitism — targeting an innocent class of people, their choices, their beliefs, their medical history and their sovereign, inalienable rights.

In the days of Nazi Germany, it was the Jewish people who were targeted, persecuted, imprisoned and subject to cruel, inhumane medical experiments. Today, anyone who dares question vaccines is targeted as an “anti-vaxxer.” They are socially ostracized, segregated and treated as if they are filthy vectors of disease. Now anyone who questions coronavirus vaccines will be manipulated and coerced to accept them into their body, re-awakening wide-scale government-forced medical experiments in the 21st century. The government has even put people into priority categories – disregarding the fact that vaccines are individual decisions, not group experiments.

Facebook will only allow vaccine posts that promote vaccine worship and normalize vaccine injury

Facebook said they will remove what they claim is “false claims about these vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts.” 

Joseph Goebbels would marvel at the evil genius that the Facebook mind control machine has become. Facebook continues to justify their coercive operations, claiming they are removing “misinformation” about covid-19 and coronavirus vaccines. Any information that questions the necessity of the vaccine and brings awareness of the vaccine’s short and long-term harm to humans will be flagged as a conspiracy theory. Anyone who stands up for the civil liberties of all and fights against coercive vaccine mandates will be targeted for censorship. Any reports of vaccine injury will be removed, even though the FDA has compiled a working list of injuries, including encephalitis, seizures, convulsion, transverse myelitis, acute myocardial infarction, stroke, arthritis, allergic reactions, death and negative pregnancy outcomes. Facebook won’t allow users to post about their vaccine injury unless that person is using the injury to promote the vaccine — normalizing vaccine injury.

Facebook is already controlling the narrative, forcing intellectual subservience

Facebook is already engaged in censoring discussion of medical and scientific topics, including mask efficacy and mask mandates. Dissent on this topic is automatically removed; only obedience is permitted. 

As the thought and behavior control experiment continues, Facebook blocks any information on how the immune system works and what people can do to mount a healthy immune response to viruses. Any information on cures, treatments, survival rates is flagged by fact-checkers, buried and blocked. Facebook won’t allow discussion on the underlying health issues and dietary decisions that cause viral replication, complication and death to any infection. Facebook won’t allow any talk about immune suppressant drugs that cause viruses to more readily multiply in human cells, nor is information allowed if it reveals the prevalence of hospital-acquired infections and the high fatality rate of patients thrust onto ventilators. It’s all about the promotion of fear and control and worship of public health authorities and the vaccines.

Over twelve million Facebook posts were removed from March to October, as Facebook’s ministry of truth continued to stifle open discussion about oppressive lockdown policies that were put in place. In 2020, Facebook has targeted information on infection recovery, real prevention and real immunity using the immune system, and the success stories of treatments like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, colloidal silver, herbal medicine, vitamin D, zinc, and host of other science-backed protocols anyone can utilize to overcome infection and live a life free of fear.

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