The modems contained inside Dominion Voting Systems machines that communicated with Frankfurt during the fraudulent 2020 election are manufactured by a communist Chinese-owned corporation, we have learned.
eDevice CellGo, based out of Bordeaux, France, was purchased back in Sept. 2016 by a company called iHealth, a United States subsidiary of the Chinese Tianjin’s Andon Group, for $106 million. This same company is now responsible for manufacturing modems for Dominion.
“Both companies offer mobile health monitoring devices,” reports explain. “eDevice uses its proprietary technology to connect patients with large medtech companies and healthcare organizations.”
“iHealth, headquartered in Mountain View, California, offers basic healthcare monitoring devices and an iOS smartphone app to keep patients connected. Two years ago, iHealth raised $25 million from Xiaomi Ventures, a China electronics company.”
Inventory sheets obtained from Calhoun County, Mich., show the costs associated with these modems as purchased for voting machines in the county. Each of these machines and their modems deserves a full forensic analysis and audit to determine how they were used during the election.
“Folks, Chinese modems being used for elections should make every voting machine that uses these suspect and open to forensic analysis or worse!” tweeted one Twitter sleuth. “Use would be indicated by the port seal being broken.”
“These modems communicate with a central reporting server also,” this same sleuth added.
Another fact about the Chinese modems found in Dominion machines is that they have built-in capability allowing third parties, or what we used to call hackers, direct access to the systems.
In real time, hackers can break into a Dominion voting machine via its modem and manipulate the count. The machine will then produce “results” that to the naked eye appear valid.
This specialized connectivity apparatus also contains functions allowing third parties via the EMS Server to list, report, delete and back up all precinct results.
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