Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Fear And Unthinking Compliance, Conformity And Obedience


Now that I am deep into my “middle years,” I feel that the lessons that I share with my unknown readers are genuinely time-tested. Here are two that I believe are universal and eternal:

Fear enslaves us. Courage liberates us.

These are not just abstract sentiments for me. I have lived them. As recently as three years ago, I successfully crewed on a sailboat expedition across the dangerous Northwest Passage. This was achieved on a small, fiberglass boat. It involved months in the frigid waters above the Arctic Circle, where one misstep could lead to death.

A couple of decades before that, I competed in the Single-handed Transpac Race from San Francisco to Hawaii. AVENTURA and I spent 20 days in the race and another 30 days on the solo return voyage. This was before GPS, and my radio could only reach out about 10 miles. For 50 days, I had to completely rely on myself.

Rewinding my life log another couple of decades, and this time I was in the U.S. Navy in Vietnam. And my tour of duty was not aboard just any naval vessel, she was an ammunition ship.

Frightening was an accurate description for all of those endeavors. But triumphing over conditions where the fear tried to paralyze me, added a bright luster to these golden experiences in my life. Because there was danger and daring in these pursuits, they are much more deeply etched in my scrapbook of memories. Jack London described such quests as “big living.”

I am sharing these recollections with you because as I now look around the world, what I see saddens me deeply. Big living has been replaced by timid and frightened living. And what makes it even worse is that so many people are fearful of something that is invisible!

The terrors in my personal history were not imaginary. They were right there. Ice wanting to slice open our fragile fiberglass boat. Waves hurling my heroic AVENTURA onto her side. Helicopters bringing in the wounded.

 Compare these actual dangers, to an over-hyped disease with about a 99% recovery rate unless the person is very old and has other medical conditions.

And what disturbs me even more about this invisible threat, is that the “authorities,” who continue to pump out the fear porn, are not doing so because they are misinformed. They are doing so because they have a hidden agenda.

The death rate almost everywhere has completely flat-lined. If these experts truly cared about public health, they would be celebrating the defeat of this viral enemy. Instead, they are hammering everyone with the message that “cases” should be considered just as terrifying as deaths.

And why are the case numbers increasing? For two fraudulent reasons. First, because they have enormously increased the number of people getting tested. Second, because the most commonly used PCR test returns a huge percentage of false positives. Here is a link to an excellent expose on this topic. So, when you dramatically increase the number of people being tested, and you use a grossly inaccurate test, then obviously, the cases will also rise.

Six months ago any concern over the severity of the Wuhan Virus could be justified. Nobody knew anything for certain. But I am proud that I was one of the first commentators (March 11, 2020) willing to question how dangerous it truly is.

Was this because I had a crystal ball? No, what alerted me to the possibility of fraud, was the manner in which a bio-hazard like this fit so perfectly as a way for the ruling elites, who I affectionately refer to as our Malignant Overlords, to enact many of the tyrannical policies that have been on their Bucket List for a very long time.

Here is a short list of them. Notice how many of these control mechanisms have advanced during the last half year.

A cashless society with digital currency, which is the ultimate monetary Pandora’s Box. That’s because it allows surveillance of every single transaction that one makes. It also allows the M.O.s to vaporize your digital money if you make the Enemy-of-the-State All-Star team.

Mandatory vaccinations. They will claim that you are not actually obligated to take the needle. However, your ability to travel, shop and … survive … will be somewhat impeded. This will be linked to an immunity passport with the same sort of restrictions.

Global Governance is another agenda item advanced by the WuVi. Notice the clever use of the word “governance.” It sounds so much more benevolent than un-elected World Government.

These are just a few of their objectives that the Wuhan Virus has advanced at dizzying speed. Our Rulers must be stunned as they assess how easy it was to manipulate billions of people into unthinking compliance.

It’s like Invasion of the Body Snatchers all over again.

The nation is being overtaken by an alien threat that invades bodies, alters minds, and transforms freedom-loving people into a mindless, compliant, conforming mob intolerant of anyone who dares to be different, let alone think for themselves.

However, while Body Snatchersthe chilling 1956 film directed by Don Siegel—blames its woes on seed pods from outerspace, the seismic societal shift taking place in America owes less to biological warfare reliant on the COVID-19 virus than it does to psychological warfare disguised as a pandemic threat.

As science writer David Robson explains:

Fears of contagion lead us to become more conformist and tribalistic, and less accepting of eccentricity. Our moral judgements become harsher and our social attitudes more conservative when considering issues such as immigration or sexual freedom and equality. Daily reminders of disease may even sway our political affiliations… Various experiments have shown that we become more conformist and respectful of convention when we feel the threat of a disease… the evocative images of a pandemic led [participants in an experiment] to value conformity and obedience over eccentricity or rebellion.

This is how you persuade a populace to voluntarily march in lockstep with a police state and police themselves (and each other): by ratcheting up the fear-factor, meted out one carefully calibrated crisis at a time, and teaching them to distrust any who diverge from the norm.

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