Monday, December 21, 2020

Effects Of EMF Radiation:

EMF radiation damages cells, tissues, proteins, DNA and degenerates immune systems

In a 2014 study led by the National Institute of Health of Great Britain, scientists have shown that doses of charged particles – like for example, the electromagnetic field (EMF) – can cause acute and persistent oxidative stress, which can lead to cell, tissue, protein and DNA damages as well as the supression of immune responses.

So why are we letting governments roll out 5G networks?

Why is corona mostly attacking ‘connected’ countries (i.e., North America, Brazil, Europe, Japan, China, India) relying on EMF technology and installing these new-generation wireless systems?

We are currently living in a sick system that contributes to damaging our cells, proteins, DNA and souls and to developing a range of health conditions, including diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Our lifestyle is killing us!

Well, according to the conclusions of the above-mentioned paper, it sounds like to me that EMF radiation of any types – 5G and 4G included – could be linked to the Corona epidemic.

5G networks don’t spread the SARS-CoV2 virus, but help its proliferation by suppressing our immunity.

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