Saturday, June 20, 2020

Utopia In Seattle

Leftist “CHAZ” utopia a cesspool of violence, feces and human filth… undercover video exposes the truth

One America News Network (OANN) correspondent Jack Posobiec recently ventured into the so-called “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” or “CHAZ,” in Seattle to see if what the mainstream media is reporting about it in any way resembles what is actually happening there. And sure enough, the fake news establishment is blatantly lying about the horrors taking place within the CHAZ, especially at night.

While the artificial media focuses primarily on the “good” things happening in and around the CHAZ during the day, portraying it as some kind of “street fair” or “block party” where families and children are safely welcomed, the night crowd, Posobiec says, is a completely different story.

In a roughly 20-minute live stream that he shared on Periscope, Posobiec took viewers on a journey through what has also come to be known as the “Capitol Hill Occupied (or Organized) Protest,” or “CHOP” for short. At night, Posobiec says, the CHOP is a certifiable war zone run by “mob rule” and “mob justice.”

“There’s no rule of law whatsoever,” he says, adding that “the media narrative on this place has been an absolute lie – absolute, utter lie.”

While filming large piles of trash littering the streets, Posobiec was heard stating during the livestream that “this place needs to be shut down.” Besides all of the consumer waste, Posobiec witnessed plenty of human waste as well, with urine, feces and everything in between dripping all over the streets.

Beyond this, Posobiec witnessed plenty of violence and crime, including a mob of domestic terrorists that swarmed a local auto yard and set it on fire. Someone had apparently broken into the facility with the intent of destroying it, which seems to be a common theme both with Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

As for who is running the show within the CHAZ, it appears to be a whole lot of anarchy with random armed people running around in total chaos. In other words, it is hardly the type of environment where civilized people would ever want to go, let alone bring their innocent children.

“I’m perfectly fine with people wanting to peaceably assemble there … but you’ve got to have some level of public safety,” Posobiec warns. “Something bad is going to happen.”

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, asks the question, “Can we all declare our own autonomous zones now?”

Another lie being perpetrated by the leftist media is the claim that there is no armed security inside the CHAZ. According to the mainstream narrative, the six-block radius is a utopia of endless happiness, love and rainbows bookended by peace, when in reality it is more like a scene out of the film Waterworld.

The CHAZ does, in fact, have a makeshift police force that Posobiec says is run by “Raz and elements of Antifa, both of whom are armed. So the media’s comepletely lying to you when they say there’s no armed security,” he contends, citing the video footage he captured as evidence.

And contrary to the fake news media’s claim that the CHAZ maintains a “de-escalation” policy to avoid conflict, Posobiec says the truth of the matter is that it is actually the other way around.

“It’s the mob,” he says, noting that nobody is “social distancing” let alone keeping themselves clean with proper hygiene. “We’re done. We’re not going back” he says about he and his personal team’s continued coverage of the CHAZ.

More of the latest news about the CHAZ and other attempts by the left to bring about total anarchy is available at

YES, it’s communism we face, and the revolutionary playbook is unfolding right on schedule


One of the primary ways to psychologically manipulate a nation into accepting communism is to divide people into classes and motivate these groups to prioritize their group identity over their individual freedom.

With individual freedom there comes opportunity, risk and personal responsibility that yields both consequence and reward. Freedom itself is the fairest concept, allowing each person to forge their own path, with various results. But there’s no guarantee of fairness in the result of our decisions, and there’s definitely no equality in the trajectory of our personal reactions, associations and beliefs.

In the inevitable disappointment and grief, we can choose to be a victim of circumstance, a victim of another group, or a victim of “systemic oppression,” an idea that has been planted in our minds. In this victim mentality, we cling to group oppression identity, pointing the finger. Collectivism is the practice of giving a group priority over each individual in it. If we choose to be a victim and succumb to this construct of collectivism, we invite the tentacles of communistic control to coddle us, to ultimately sink in and suck out the very essence of our soul.

Once people are divided into classes and made to feel oppressed or unequal, they can then be motivated to political action. This group oppression identity, promoted so well by politicians, can be packaged by race, gender, age, socioeconomic class, and so forth. Collectivism is further metastasized by imparting feelings of oppression and unfairness, and is sold as a recruitment tool to divide us into groups and conquer us with more state control.

The antidote to collectivism is liberty and the fundamental respect of an individual’s rights. The cure for collectivism is free will of the individual – a blameless blank slate of American opportunity. It’s the reason why so many immigrants risked their lives to cross the Atlantic sea. They arrived with their own hands and feet and the promise of American freedom and opportunity.

The result of American freedom and opportunity is never fair – but in its decree is a life of merit, and the right of individual self determination, to freely think, associate, believe, speak, produce, and pursue one’s unique purpose.

As the country is destabilized by this ugly form of victim-mentality, racially-motivated collectivism, the rule of law and the integrity of individual freedom become broken glass under the feet of an angry, violent mob. Across the country, many good people stand by as everything they once stood for, physical and ideological, is burned.

YES, it’s communism we face, and the revolutionary playbook is unfolding right on schedule.

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