If anyone was thinking that the pandemic was a real threat to humanity, the current calculated riot reaction to any spark, which the George Floyd tragedy provided, proves it to be a concocted crisis from the getgo.
Opportunistic anarchist mobs in the streets, half wearing masks, half not, climb over each other to burgle pharmacies for oxycontin and steal merchants blind. Are they concerned about a puny virus with a 99% recovery rate? Hardly. And now the World Health Organization let the cat out the bag that asymptomatic people don’t spread the virus.
Yet, legitimate businesses and churches have played along like good citizens trying to follow rules that make little sense, the outcome of which has been detrimental to our God-inspired culture.
The proper order of important issues of life for Americans has been God, family and country but that is now reversed with one crucial substitution… country has been replaced with government. In the rabble-ridden streets, however, government is switched with anti-government or rather, mob rule. The ultimate insanity is watching elected and appointed government officials empower the violent gangs that undercut their governing authority. (Since history has been rewritten, it’s no surprise that these expendables don’t realize they’ll be the first targeted by anarchist firing squads.)
Using and abusing the Floyd heartbreak to riot in weak, Democrat-run cities is a culmination of a schematic we saw played out in some 16 predominantly Muslim countries during what was dubbed the Arab Spring ten years ago. That was the template for overturning governments to establish Islamic-based dictatorships. The Benghazi calamity was part of the ongoing project.
As progressive (read ‘communist’) mayors utter toothless edicts, feeding into the growing violence tearing apart their cities, churches are back peddling in their attempts to re-open.
Continuing the about-face of God, family and country order, the family of God is dissolving before our eyes. Mask-covered faces of doorkeepers at church greet worshippers with the nature of suspicion, keeping their distance for fear that the new arrival may be a virus carrier. No warm welcome, no hugs or even hearty handshakes of friends well met. Every other row of seating may be taped-off to keep the congregation at arms’ length, protecting individuals from infection but separating everyone into cliques of relatives and isolating single people to a lonely seat.
Considering how the Church has been manipulated to become a house divided by fear, a house empty of warmth where neighbors are afraid of human touch, the enemy has already won
estricted to the point of virtual rejection by friends too frightened to approach one another within several feet, fellowship dissipates amid a “love and miss you” voiced across the self-induced void. No approaching the altar with prayer partners. Messages delivered exhorting members to be public witnesses for Christ when they won’t get close enough to offer encouragement to people they know.
Church is supposed to be family but what loving family stands aloof from brethren out of fear? As the nuclear family has been divided, the family of God is suffering by holding back from demonstrating the love of Christ even among themselves.
While churches institute “safe practices” the rest of the world dissolves into chaos where protesters, overtaken by the criminal element, march through the streets shoulder-to-shoulder, disregarding rules emplaced to guard against supposed infection. Law enforcement officers are told to stand down, look on or allow property destruction to ensue unhindered, but they are ordered to disrupt peaceful worship meetings or business openings that don’t follow arbitrary regulations.
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