Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The Alinsky Agenda:



Over the past few years I have seen multiple blog references to an individual by the name of Saul Alinsky. Often these discussed his socialist teachings and his suggested methods whereby a socialist state might be achieved. Sometimes this man’s ideas were linked to the philosophies of a Marxist body known as the Frankfurt School. What I have read also sometimes argues that the Deep State subscribes to these ideas and aims.
Until recently I dismissed this idea totally. What I thought to be the character of the Deep State in the Five Eyes countries of the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand was distinctly conservative and automatically contra to an extreme socialist system.
Very recent events, and upon reflection other events since the 2016 US election, are causing me to seriously reconsider my offhand dismissal of this theory. Has the establishment, over decades, been penetrated by Alinsky acolytes? Alinsky was certainly admired by Hillary Clinton, both letters and video recordings attest to that.
The big question becomes this; Is it really possible that a significant enough percentage of the civil services (encompassing the military, intelligence and educational establishments or any state funded body) believe in the theories of Alinsky and are prepared to take actions pushing Five Eyes societies in this direction, supported by politicians from both sides of all the aisles?
There is much evidence to consider.
The most obvious is the scenario known as Russiagate. The Deep State in the USA, UK and Australia attempted to fabricate evidence that would convince the world to unseat the new president. A huge gamble involving many players that has now been proven to anyone following the trail of public evidence. Recent evidence even suggests that Russia preferred to have the beaten candidate in the Oval Office. Was there a long term plan that depended on HRC being president?
Equally confounding is the singularity of messaging, across all topics, by big tech, TV and print media in all Five Eyes countries, and supported by large corporations. Almost without exception the messages have been the same for years; HRC is a shoe in. Russia did it! Wars are good. Immigration is essential, legal or otherwise. White people are guilty of everything. LGBTQBLT folk are sacrosanct. Believe all women. Covid-19 is going to wipe us out! Not all skin colours are equal. Bill Gates will save us all. You cannot say that, you must think this. Riots are described as being “largely peaceful”. All in perfect harmony across the English speaking world.
Local governments in many, many Five Eyes cities already clearly support the Alinsky ideal. Educational syllabuses are not designed to produce analytical critical thinking. Is there a single city that we can point to and say there is a world class system producing brilliant minds such as exists in Singapore? Higher education is even more tilted towards one dimensional thinking with tenured professors losing their jobs for stepping just a teeny little bit out of the progressive (Alinsky) line. Obedient graduates spread like a cancer through society over time.

Today we are told that to have the slightest negative thought about Black Lives Matter is a sin that was somehow missed from the 10 Commandments. In recent days we have seen what was unthinkable a couple of months ago, officers of the law prostrating themselves in front of BLM protesters.

Why are some of the world’s richest people shovelling their wealth into the hands of bodies committed to radically changing the societies we have today? People who became rich thanks to the (crony) capitalist systems they worked within. Why is the concept of borderless nations being pushed relentlessly?

It is easily argued that the financial elite have created a scenario whereby growing percentages of our societies are totally dependent on the state. Behemoths like JP Morgan and HSBC can be convicted of felonies and continue their suspect machinations unimpeded. Central banks relentlessly pursue policies that accelerate wealth disparities, public criticism of their actions being confined largely to blogs.

Is there a multi-decade Alinsky plan maturing before our eyes? Time will tell although we can all point to times when our communities have been impacted by new rules and laws that came directly from the Alinsky/Frankfurt School playbook, with the family unit being a prime target.
What is now apparent to me is that there is an amorphous group alive and well in the Western world, prepared to employ renegade groups like Antifa and BLM, that is committed to inflicting as much damage as possible upon our current systems of society. Accepting that, is this group aiming to install Alinsky socialist systems? Is it supported by sovereign foreign players such as China? Is the European elite on board? Is it in direct opposition to the New World Order espoused by the Bush family et al, or is it part and parcel of the same concept? Is the end goal a supra-national socialist regime?

Perhaps the most frightening aspect of the current scenario is that my asking these questions results in being automatically branded as rascist, “far right” or even a Nazi when the truth is I am apolitical, support the rule of law applied equally to all and have a mixed race son.
So many questions, so little time to fight back.

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