Thursday, June 11, 2020

Seattle's Autonomous Zone Now Has Warlord, Barriers (Walls), 'Police'

Seattle’s Autonomous Zone Has Its First Warlord; Local Rapper Raz Simone Takes Over

The nation of CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone) in what used to be Seattle was set up by antifa earlier this week.

CHAZ has its first self declared dictator/warlord. Seattle based rapper Raz Simone evidently deputized himself and his crew, and they are patrolling the streets, regulating any unauthorized activity in the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.

Raz Simone, a Seattle local, stated he belongs to the “People’s Force,” a replacement for Seattle PD in . On June 8th in a live video he advised that unfamiliar faces should be stopped, questioned, and checked to see if they’re armed, similar to “Stop and Frisk.”

They’ve already started assaulting people who are engaging in unauthorized activity:

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A Seattle local named Raz Simone established himself and his crew as the police of the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. He's a warlord, and his crew is assaulting anyone who steps out of line.

Unlike real police, there's no accountability or discipline. It's just violence.
They’ve already started assaulting people who are engaging in unauthorized activity:
Note that they even announce themselves as “the police of the community now”
They need a system. They need vetted, easily identifiable people enforcing laws. They might call them something like "police" and uniform them. Then, a system to adjudicate violations. They might call them something like "courts." There might be a place that has those already.
So basically they’ve declared themselves to be the authority, and they operate with impunity, as they go around assaulting whomever they deem to be breaking laws that don’t exist.

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