Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall - Demand Resignation Of Mayor, 'Capital Hill Autonomous Zone' Set Up

Seattle Protesters Storm City Hall After Running Cops Out Of Precinct, Establishing "Autonomous Zone"

Update (1140ET): Protesters broke into Seattle City Hall Tuesday night to demand the resignation of Mayor Jenny Durkan.

Antifa and BLM have broken into Seattle city hall

Despite their mayor @MayorJenny being beyond progressive

They are demanding she resign since she won’t defund the Police

This is the new normal in big cities of America

The protesters were aided by Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant, who was seen alongside the protesters inside City Hall, according to Fox News.

What began as an attempt by Seattle Police to ease tensions after a week of protests by retreating from the Capitol Hill neighborhood has resulted in the establishment of the so-called "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" - a six-block section of town which Antifa and other activists have occupied, setting up barricades and claiming the area near the Seattle PD East Precinct as theirs.

Seattle @MayorJenny is allowing a dangerous situation to fester. militants have taken over & created an “autonomous zone” in city w/their own rules. Police precinct abandoned. Antifa set up barricades to create a border. Calling for volunteers to provide armed guard.

According to Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, the pullback by the police and National Guard come after police used flash bangs, pepper spray and clouds of gas just after midnight - a standoff which followed a warning from Mayor Jenny Durkan that the city had "specific information from the FBI about threats to the East Precincts and buildings in Seattle."

On Monday night, seven hours after Police Chief Carmen Best announced held an impromptu press conference, Durkan tweeted that law enforcement would retreat in "an effort to proactively de-escalate interactions between protesters and law enforcement outside the East Precinct."

Before the pullout, Seattle Fire removed "many personal effects of the officers normally stationed in the East Precinct" as part of a "proactive effort to guard against potential damage or fire," according to CHS, while a mobile shredding unit was seen at the precinct - ostensibly destroying sensitive files ahead of the pullout.

The Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, meanwhile, sent an ominous sounding message to area businesses and organizations that warns of a “credible threat” to burn the precinct building down, notifying them that the building and nearby apartment buildings were to be assessed for possible treatment with “a biodegradable foam fire suppressant” by the Seattle Fire Department as a preventative measure. -CHS

"The Rise Of Left Wing Mobs In America"

During last night's monologue, Fox News primetime host Tucker Carlson stood up to the left wing mobs that have been empowered by weak Democratic leaders who have "reflexively bowed to their demands", allowing the establishment ofan "autonomous zone" in downtown Seattle, that will exist for about as long as the city's techno-corporate overlords deem it in their political interest to allow it to exist. 
Left wing mobs have seemingly come for everyone who doesn't 100% agree with their radical views on endemic white supremacy in American society. And now they've renewed their attacks on Carlson and his producers (who have already survived one coordinated advertiser boycott), along with many others who don't have nearly as many resources as the prime time Fox News host.

Radical leftists have never had so much influence in the culture, largely thanks to weak political leaders and celebrities who share and support their propaganda as if it were the most fundamental truth.
"For now it's enough to say that the country's defenses have been badly weakened by decades of propaganda...we are too sinful to resist we deserve whatever we get...shut up and take it America," Carlson said.
He then aired a clip from "Sesame Street" explaining the protests and how America has a "huge problem" with racism.
Tucker brought up examples like the
"Who are we? Well, at this point, we're becoming North Korea. We now believe in blood guilt; we punish people for the sins of their relatives...we demand that the innocent plead guilty to things we know they didn't do...then we order them to read their forced confessions in public...terrifying ideas now have free reign because nobody pushes back...some professional activist says something insane like "defund the police" - because that's what professional activists do...and the rhetoric gets more disgusting."
Two UCLA professors have been punished by the school, and threatened by the students, for seemingly minor transgressions like reading Martin Luther King out loud or requiring students to take an exam.
"Today the left has singled out one ethnic group but tomorrow it will be another...bigots never stop at just one," Carlson said.
America doesn't always live up to its ideals of freedom, equality and equal treatment under the law, but that's why they're ideals. People aren't perfect, and neither is the American justice system.
Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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