Friday, June 12, 2020

Pre-Trib vs Pre-Wrath By Jack Kinsella

Saturday’s Omega Letter Briefing “In Which Day?…” raised quite an uproar in my email box as well as in the forums.
It led to speculation that Saturday’s column was written to rebut another thread in the forums. It wasn’t. From their emails, several thought the column was written to rebut arguments they had advanced to me privately. It wasn’t.
Several others have suggested that the idea was to stir up a hornet’s nest in the forums. That’s not it, either. My intention isn’t to provoke. It is to lay the groundwork for teaching what I believe the Holy Spirit is leading me to teach.
And finally, there were at least two comments suggesting I’m really teaching a ‘Great Escape’ primarily to those who are fearful of facing martyrdom at the hands of the Beast.
The ‘Great Escape’ criticism is the least accurate and most insulting of all. It insinuates that pre-tribbers didn’t reach that conclusion following careful, contemplative prayer and study.
Instead, they are pretribulational because they are too cowardly to contemplate facing the first six Seal Judgments or martyrdom for refusing to take the Mark of the Beast.
The mere suggestion that the Lord will remove the Church before the unveiling of the antichrist is enough to send some Christians into orbit – but I’ve never been able to figure how why.
The most common answer to my ‘why’ question invariably comes in the form of another question – why should one generation of Christians think they are more special than all the Christians that faced martyrdom in the past?
It’s a good question.

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