Less than a month before the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, four field organizers for Sen. Bernie Sanders in Iowa and South Carolina advocated violence, slave labor and the Stalinist repression of dissent while expressing sympathy for Marxist ideology. Two even bragged about their Communist credentials.
All four spoke to undercover reporters for Project Veritas, which released videos of the surreptitious interviews. Yet no major national newspaper or television network has pursued the story, nor confronted Sanders about those comments. Nevertheless, the senator's campaign went into siege mode.
In South Carolina, Sanders' representatives called police when Project Veritas' reporters appeared unannounced at a field office and tried to interview campaign officials. When an officer confronted the reporters, he told them none of Sanders' officials would offer any public comment. Then he made a remark with amazing implications.
"They are aware of the videos you guys took, the undercover stuff," the officer said. "It's one of those things where they wish he hadn't said that, but they're still standing by him." (emphasis added)
"They are aware of the videos you guys took, the undercover stuff," the officer said. "It's one of those things where they wish he hadn't said that, but they're still standing by him." (emphasis added)
"Him" is Martin Weissgerber, a field organizer whose father was a Marxist and whose home contained copies of Marx's and Engels' works.
"I always said that I'm a Communist," Weissgerber said. "I believe everything has been formed by class struggle. I'm all about the complete seizure of the means of production, nationalizing everything. Guillotine the rich."
Kyle Jurak, one of Sanders' organizers in Iowa, called himself "an anarcho-Communist ... as far to the left as you can possibly get" and added that other campaign workers shared his world view.
Like fellow Marxists, they reject the Constitutional idea of the three Federal branches of government operating under checks and balances.
Like fellow Marxists, they support violence as a political tool. When asked what would happen if President Donald Trump won re-election, Jurak replied, "(fornicating) cities burn."
"If Bernie doesn't get the nomination or it goes to a second ballot at the DNC convention, (fornicating) Milwaukee will burn," Jurak said. "The cops are going to be the one who'll get (fornicating) beaten in Milwaukee. They're going to call out the National Guard for that (excrement). I promise you that. It'll start in Milwaukee and when the police push back on that, other cities will start (fornicating)...."
Should Sanders win the Democratic nomination and defeat Trump, Jurak promised more violence for those who refused to be "re-educated," which he said was Sanders' ultimate goal.
"Germany had to spend billions of dollars re-educating their (fornicating) people to not be Nazis," Jurak said. "We're probably going to have to do the same (fornicating) thing here. That's kind of what Bernie's whole, like, 'Hey, free education for everybody because we're going to have to teach you to not be a (fornicating) Nazi.' "
That re-education would include, in Jurek's mind, concentration camps.
"There's a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags, right?" he said. "Not only to remove people who were insidious to the state from the state -- like, 'Hey, you guys are all causing problems. You're, like, working against the revolution. We're just going to remove you and put you in Siberia, where you can learn the (fornicating) value of, like, being a comrade.' That's what is has to be."
Weissgerber supported instituting gulags in the United States, claiming they had value. He cited the construction of the Belomorkanal, which connected the Baltic Sea with the Arctic Ocean and used inmates as labor. Depending on the source, between 12,000 and 250,000 workers using only shovels and hoes died before the canal opened in 1933.
"People came from America to work on the Belomorkanal, for the Soviet project, for the Communist project," Weissgerber said passionately. "It's a beautiful thing."
For those who resist, only death awaits.
"In Cuba, what did they do to reactionaries?" Jurak asked. His interviewer responded, "They shot them on the beach." Then Jurek bobbed his head up and down to the beat of background music and asked, "Do you want to fight against the revolution? You're going to die for it."
"Walk into that MSNBC studio, drag those (maternal fornicators) out by their hair and light them on fire in the streets," Jurak said. "Liberals get the (fornicating) wall first. Reign of terror."
During the 1980 and 1984 Presidential elections, Sanders endorsed candidates from the Socialist Workers Party, which supported Fidel Castro. Sanders said he "proudly endorsed and supported" the party's 1980 candidate, Andrew Pulley, who once encouraged American soldiers to "take up their guns and shoot their officers." Sanders, one of three Vermont electors for Pulley, also said in a press release he "fully support(s) the SWP's continued defense of the Cuba revolution."
Sanders often expressed admiration for both Cuba and Nicaragua while minimizing their cruelty. The Burlington mayor visited Nicaragua in 1985 and talked about his experience on the city's cable television channel, saying that he was "impressed" with the Sandinistas' "intelligence and sincerity."
When interviewed by the Burlington Free Press about his trip, the mayor even defended the long food lines that typify Marxist economics.
“That is a good thing!" Sanders proclaimed. "In other countries people don’t line up for food: The rich get the food and the poor starve to death.”
In Marxist terminology, “socialism” means Communism. As Lenin said, “the goal of socialism is Communism.”
Sanders employs Marxist rhetoric about equality and fairness to seduce the unsuspecting. But Marxist reality delivers slavery to the masses.
Sanders might not say that. But his field organizers did. So does history.
Sanders might not say that. But his field organizers did. So does history.
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