Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: Globalist Oligarchs Seek Global Intervention

The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and 'Humanitarian' Interventionists

Those hoping the non-interventionist cause would be given some real muscle if a couple of oligarchs who've made fortunes from global interventionism team up and pump millions into Washington think tanks will be sorely disappointed by the train wreck that is the Koch/Soros alliance. 

The result thus far has not been a tectonic shift in favor of a new direction, with new faces and new ideas, but rather an opportunity for these same old Washington think tanks, now flush with even more money, to re-brand their pet interventionisms as "restraint." 

The flagship of this new alliance, the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, was sold as an earth-shattering breakthrough - an "odd couple" of "left-wing" Soros and "right-wing" Koch boldly tossing differences aside to join together and "end the endless wars."

That organization is now up and running and it isn't pretty.

To begin with, the whole premise is deeply flawed. George Soros is no "left-winger" and Koch is no "right-winger." It's false marketing, like the claim that drinking Diet Coke will make you skinny. Both are globalist oligarchs who continue to invest hundreds of millions of dollars to create the kind of world where the elites govern with no accountability except to themselves, and "the interagency," rather than an elected President of the US, makes US foreign policy. 

As libertarian intellectual Tom Woods once famously quipped, "No matter whom you vote for, you always wind up getting John McCain." That is exactly the world Koch and Soros want. It's a world of Davos with fangs, not Mainstreet, USA.

Those who continue to push the claim that Koch and Soros are changing their spots and now supporting restraint and non-interventionism should be made to explain why the most egregiously warmongering and interventionist organizations are finding themselves on the receiving end of oligarch largese. 

Just days ago a glowing article in Politico detailed the recipients of millions of Koch dollars to promote "restraint." Who is leading the Koch brigades in the battle for a non-interventionist, "restrained" foreign policy? 

The Atlantic Council has been pushing US foreign policy toward war with Russia for years, pumping endless false propaganda and neocon lies to fuel the idea that Russia is engaged in an "asymmetric battle" against the US, that the mess in Ukraine was the result of a Russian out-of-the-blue invasion rather than an Obama Administration coup d'etat, that Russia threw the elections to Putin's agent Trump, and that Moscow is seeking to to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

The Atlantic Council's "Disinfo Portal," a self-described "one-stop interactive online portal and guide to the Kremlin’s information war," is raw, overt war propaganda. It is precisely the kind of war propaganda that has fueled three years of mass hysteria called "Russiagate," which though proven definitively to be an utter fraud, continues to animate most of Washington's thinking on the Left and Right to this day.

The Atlantic Council, through something it calls a "Digital Forensic Research Lab," works with giant social media outlets to identify and ban any independent or alternative news outlets who deviate from the view that the US is besieged by enemies, from Syria to Iran to Russia to China and beyond, and that therefore it must continue spending a trillion dollars per year to maintain its role as the unipolar hyperpower. Thus, the Atlantic Council - a US government funded entity - colludes with social media to silence any deviation from US government approved foreign policy positions. 

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