Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Israel Defense Minister Bennett: These Are The Days Of The Third Temple

Israel Defense Minister: These are the Days of the Third Temple!

Israel Today Staff

Israel Defense Minister Naftali Bennett last Wednesday insisted that these are the days of the Third Temple, and that the modern State of Israel is very much a part of the prophesied global redemption.

According to Bennett, the controversial Itamar Ben Gvir, like many Orthodox Jews, fails to recognize the biblical and prophetic significance and authority of the State of Israel and its institutions.

Bennett went on to explain that despite its long history, Israel has only managed to rule as a unified nation in this land for two very short periods, and that because of internal divisions and the failure to submit to a central authority.

“We have had a state twice where we ruled as a united people. The first time it only lasted 80 years – King David 40, then King Solomon 40. After that, we separated,” said Bennett. “The second time, we were sovereign for only 74 years during the Hasmonean dynasty.” (See: “How Long Will Israel’s Third Kingdom Survive?”)

Likewise, the Second Temple was destroyed because everyone “followed their own rules,” the defense minister said, before exclaiming, “We need to understand the big picture. Today we are in the time of the Third Temple!”
Yes, the State of Israel is a liberal, largely-secular democracy. And yet, faith in the Bible and belief in the prophecies it contains regarding this nation continue to play a major role in Israeli politics.

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