Friday, January 11, 2019

Europe Splitting In Two: Germany-France vs Italy-Poland-Hungary

Europe splitting in two: Germany/France form pact – Italy/Poland/Hungary form alliance against them

via breitbart:
Merkel and Macron are set to deepen their ties by signing a treaty which has been criticised as an “erosion” of national sovereignty… The new treaty will also encourage the formation of border town “Eurodistricts” where French and German towns will merge public transport and utilities..

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron are set to deepen Franco-German ties by signing a “twinning” treaty which has been criticised as an “erosion” of national sovereignty.

The pro-open borders German chancellor and globalist French president are set to formalise their already close co-operation with shared defence, foreign and economic policy, and business regulations in what is seen as a prototype for a “more sovereign, united” Europe, The Times reports.
As European Union member states, the countries have already abandoned many of their sovereign rights by ditching their national currencies for the euro, agreeing to open borders within the bloc, and submitting to European courts as their highest legal arbiter.
The new treaty, styled on the 1963 Élysée Treaty of post-war reconciliation, will also encourage the formation of border town “Eurodistricts” where French and German towns will merge public transport networks and utilities.
The countries also plan to coordinate their positions in Brussels and lobby the United Nations to give Germany its own seat on the Security Council — France holding one of five permanent positions in the influential group.

“Both states will deepen their cooperation in foreign affairs, defence, external and internal security and development and at the same time work on strengthening the ability of Europe to act independently,” says the text of the treaty, as seen by Reuters.
“Both states will deepen the integration of their economies towards a German-French economic area with common rules,” the document added.

ITALY’S firebrand deputy prime minister Matteo Salvini is trying to create a populist alliance to take on the Brussels establishment in a showdown over the future of the European Union.

Mr Salvini, who leads the nationalist, anti-immigrant League party, pledged to create a “new European spring” ahead of the European Parliament elections in May and to work with Poland’s ruling populists. He pledged to rally Eurosceptic allies to take on the likes of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel and forge a “new equilibrium” to challenge the traditional pro-EU axis between Paris and Berlin.
Mr Salvini believes he has much in common with Poland’s populists, including opposition to accepting migrants and criticism of the way in which Brussels imposes rules on national budgets.
Speaking alongside his Polish counterpart Joachim Brudzinski during a visit to Warsaw, Mr Salvini said: "The Europe that will be born in June will have a different pace compared to the one of today, which is guided by bureaucrats.
“In Europe, one has always spoken about a French-German axis. We are preparing for a new equilibrium and a new energy in Europe.
“And Poland and Italy will be the protagonists of this new European spring, of this rebirth of true European values.

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